Worst Things Every Original Avenger Did In The MCU

Throughout their stories in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the franchise’s original Avengers have all done some pretty bad things. Even from the very beginning of the MCU’s movie timeline, the Avengers were teased as an important part of the franchise. Phase 1 of the MCU was all about introducing the heroes who would make up the franchise’s line-up of Avengers and culminated with them assembling into a team for the first time. Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye have therefore become key characters in the MCU’s story as its founding Avengers.

Despite being some of the most influential heroes in the franchise, the founding Avengers have also done some bad things in the movies of the MCU. They may be heroes, but that certainly doesn’t make them infallible, as each of the founding Avengers has made at least one error in judgment during their time in the franchise. With that in mind, here are the worst things that every founding Avenger has done in the MCU.


Iron Man Created Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


As the entire thrust of Iron Man’s MCU story was a redemption arc, it only follows that he did some awful things during his time in the franchise. The worst thing that Tony Stark ever did was undoubtedly creating Ultron, an AI designed to protect the Earth which became sentient and threatened to eradicate humanity. Though he had been heavily influenced by Wanda Maximoff’s chaos magic, Stark’s role in the creation of Ultron was perhaps the most reckless thing he ever did.

Creating Ultron, well-intended though it may have been, cost many people their lives. His teammates did not agree with him, either, and he went behind their backs to create what he believed would be Earth’s greatest protector. Considering the risks involved and the way that Ultron turned out, it’s safe to say that it was Stark’s worst mistake.

Dishonorable Mentions

Despite being a founding Avenger, Tony Stark did many terrible things before his death. The majority of these came before he became the hero Iron Man, however, such as spending years designing sophisticated weapons and profiting from war. Though Stark redeemed many of his worst acts, he’s one of the founding Avengers with a fair few skeletons in his closet.


Captain America Didn’t Tell Tony Stark That Bucky Killed His Parents

Captain America: Civil War (2016)


From the moment of his introduction, Steve Rogers stood out as one of the MCU’s most virtuous heroes. A symbol of justice and honor, Rogers’ strength of character and strict moral compass were not just his defining qualities, but also the primary reasons that he was selected to be the recipient of the super soldier serum. However, that isn’t to say that the MCU’s original Captain America never did anything wrong.

The worst thing that Steve Rogers ever did during Captain America’s MCU story was neglect to tell Tony Stark that the Winter Soldier had killed his parents. Bucky was obviously under Hydra’s control at the time, but not sharing the information with Stark ahead of Baron Zemo revealing it was arguably Rogers’ worst decision. It cost him a friend and teammate, and was almost certainly his worst mistake in the MCU.

Dishonorable Mentions

Despite being largely unproblematic, Steve Rogers made a few questionable decisions during his stint as a hero in the MCU. Another noteworthy example was when he flatly refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, and then fought against his fellow heroes when they disagreed. Though it’s incredibly mild due to being a moral stance, it still ranks as one of the worst things the MCU’s Captain America ever did.


Black Widow Nearly Killed Antonia Dreykov

Black Widow (2021)


Black Widow’s role as a founding Avenger is often overlooked in comparison to some of her more powerful teammates, but she was a key figure in establishing the team. Serving SHIELD, she was responsible for recruiting Bruce Banner to their cause as well as vetting Tony Stark on behalf of Nick Fury. However, her past as an assassin means that she has also committed some terrible acts within the MCU canon.

The worst of Black Widow’s misdeeds is the one that was referenced initially as the main reason for her believing there was “red in her ledger”. While defecting to SHIELD, Romanoff made an attempt on the life of Dreykov, believing that she had killed his young daughter in the process. She later learned that both were alive, but that Antonia Dreykov had been permanently scarred by the ordeal. Almost killing an innocent child seems to be the worst thing in Black Widow’s past, especially as it was the thing that seemed to haunt her the most.

Dishonorable Mentions

Considering Natasha Romanoff’s past as a Black Widow, there are undoubtedly many terrible things that she once did in the MCU. Due to the brainwashing and conditioning she underwent from a young age, these things can hardly be considered her fault, and Romanoff’s later hero turn showed her remorse for her past life. However, her time as a prolific assassin and covert operative for Dreykov would certainly have seen her commit many atrocities.


Hawkeye Worked Against SHIELD For Loki

The Avengers (2012)

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye helping Loki research iridium in The Avengers (2012)

Hawkeye’s role as a founding Avenger is often overlooked, not least because he was not a part of the team when it was initially assembled by Nick Fury. 2012’s The Avengers opened with a scene in which Loki arrived on Earth and used his scepter to corrupt and control Hawkeye, turning against his fellow SHIELD agents. He wasn’t able to break free from Loki’s control until later in the movie, joining forces with the other founding Avengers in order to stop the Chitauri forces invading Earth.

The same reason that Hawkeye almost missed out on being a founding Avenger is actually where he committed his worst deeds in the MCU. While acting on Loki’s behalf, he actively worked against SHIELD to help Loki with his invasion of Earth. Though he may not have acted willingly, Hawkeye still helped undermine Earth’s security shortly before becoming a founding Avenger.

Dishonorable Mentions

Surprisingly, Hawkeye is one of the founding Avengers with the worst track record in MCU history, having made multiple mistakes in his time that led to questionable deeds. After losing most of his teammates and his entire family to Thanos’ snap, Hawkeye began hunting criminals as the vigilante Ronin. Though his methods were brutal and often lethal, his intentions were largely good, and it still deserves a dishonorable mention as one of his darkest periods.


Thor Attacked Jotunheim & Nearly Started A War

Thor (2011)


As the only non-human founding Avenger, Thor would be partly excused from any moral or ethical differences he might have with his teammates. However, Thor is actually one of the least problematic Avengers, as his adventures in the MCU have seen him do very few things that could be considered actively bad. However, there is one particular moment in Thor’s MCU story that stands out as his most reckless decision.

The beginning of 2011’s Thor introduced the God of Thunder by showing him defying his father to attack the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. Thor’s actions were in response to a Frost Giant attempting to access Asgard’s vault, but they saw the young prince risk war with Asgard’s fiercest enemies. All things considered, disobeying his father and risking countless lives stands out as the worst thing Thor has done in the MCU, even if it did see him learn a valuable lesson.

Dishonorable Mentions

Thor’s MCU journey saw him embrace his heroic nature, and he has committed very few acts that can be seen as objectively bad. One thing that does stand out throughout Thor’s story in the MCU is how poorly he treated Loki, especially before his adoptive brother’s villain turn. Thor is shown to look down on his brother, often acting dismissive of him and disregarding his abilities. It precipitated Loki’s jealous and eventual betrayal of Thor, and while not Thor’s worst act, it was still markedly unpleasant.


Hulk Went On A Rampage In Johannesburg

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


Throughout the earlier parts of the MCU’s Infinity Saga, the Hulk was by far the most destructive and unpredictable Avenger. Bruce Banner was initially told he was being brought in as a scientific consultant, but his inability to prevent his transformation also saw his alter ego surface. The Hulk’s role as a founding Avenger grew to see him become a hugely important part of the team, but he also committed a number of less than heroic deeds.

Hulk’s worst moment came after encountering Wanda Maximoff and being influenced by her chaos magic. Wanda was able to send Hulk into a frenzy that saw the Savage Hulk unleashed upon Johannesburg, forcing Iron Man to fight him in order to stop the destruction. The lives endangered by Hulk’s loss of control make it his darkest MCU moment, even if it was ultimately because of Wanda’s intervention.

Dishonorable Mentions

Bruce Banner’s early difficulty in controlling his transformations saw the Hulk become responsible for a lot of destruction, but he largely did more good than harm. However, one of the character’s worst moments was actually one of inaction, when he stood by and allowed Tony Stark to create Ultron. Bruce Banner shoulders the blame for that mistake, despite the fact that the Hulk is often seen as the more dangerous of the two.


Nick Fury Stole The Avengers’ DNA

Secret Invasion (2023)

Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) looks at The Harvest in Secret Invasion

Though Nick Fury might not technically be a founding Avenger, he was the founder of the team in the MCU. Having hand-picked the heroes he wanted for the team, Fury’s role as SHIELD’s director extended to being something of a mentor to the Avengers, prompting them to band together to stop Loki. However, in his time as a SHIELD agent and in the years since, Fury has also done some questionable things.

The worst thing that Fury has ever done is somewhat debatable, but taking the DNA of the Avengers certainly ranks highly. The ending of Secret Invasion revealed that Fury had taken samples of the Avengers’ DNA, which was stolen and used to make Gravik immensely powerful. The danger of the Harvest combined with Fury’s subterfuge in taking the samples makes it arguably the worst thing he has done in the MCU.

Dishonorable Mentions

Fury’s role within SHIELD and the wider MCU has seen him do a number of dishonest and morally questionable things. He emotionally manipulated the Avengers after Coulson’s death, he failed to keep his promise to the Skrull refugees, and he seemingly abandoned Earth in its hour of need. As such, Nick Fury is undoubtedly one of the most morally flexible characters in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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