Sorting Star Wars Characters Into Harry Potter Hogwarts Houses

Star Wars and Harry Potter are two incredibly popular franchises, but which of the four Hogwarts houses would these 10 Star Wars characters be in? There are many traits for the Hogwarts houses, although each has its own most prominent trait for which it is best known. Gryffindors are known to be brave, Ravenclaws are considered the most intelligent, and Hufflepuffs (arguably the least clearly defined of the four) are incredibly loyal. While it isn’t exactly a specific attribute in the way that the others are, Slytherin is generally considered the ‘evil’ house.

Based on these four houses and their respective traits, there are clear Hogwarts houses best suited to several of the main characters in Star Wars movies and TV shows. There is certainly a degree of overlap in many cases, particularly for Star Wars’ best characters, who tend to be complex and more thoroughly fleshed out, but for many, it’s quite clear which Harry Potter house is right for them. These 10 Star Wars characters are perfect for each of the four Hogwarts houses in light of their unique traits.

Anakin Skywalker Would Be A Gryffindor

Anakin Goes Bad, But Bravery Was His Greatest Strength


It might come as a surprise that Anakin Skywalker would be sorted into Gryffindor because he becomes one of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith, but Anakin’s greatest strength was always bravery. Harry Potter also makes it clear, particularly in the books, that the sorting process isn’t straightforward; it’s possible for someone to be well-suited to multiple houses. For example, Hermione would be a great fit for Ravenclaw as well. In this case, the Sorting Hat determines the stronger trait the person exhibits.

Anakin is an excellent example of this in Star Wars. Yes, he obviously turns to evil in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, but from the very beginning (chronologically) of his story in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he was remarkably brave. That remained one of his most important traits, as he faced down Sith Lords, the Clone Wars, and countless other dangers without even a hint of fear or uncertainty. Like the titular Harry Potter himself, Anakin would have been great in Slytherin, but in his heart, he was a true Gryffindor.

Anakin would have been great in Slytherin, but in his heart, he was a true Gryffindor.

Leia Organa Would Be A Ravenclaw

Leia’s Brilliance Was Clear From The Very Beginning


Leia Organa is yet another example of someone who has traits from multiple houses, but despite her clear tenacity and boldness, Leia is a perfect Ravenclaw. Although she was very young in A New Hope, it was clear that she had inherited both her biological mother’s intelligence and her adoptive father’s wisdom. She was already playing a major role in the Rebellion at that point, and she went on to lead the Rebels throughout The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

She also remained absolutely critical during the New Republic Era, where she helped to establish and maintain the New Republic Senate. The New Republic arguably may not have even been as successful as it was without her. She was able to anticipate and address the potential pitfalls of rebuilding a government, and she drew from all she had learned throughout the Dark Times to do so. Obi-Wan Kenobi also proved that she had been intelligent even as a child, making her an ideal fit for Ravenclaw.

Palpatine Would Be A Slytherin

There’s No Other House For Darth Sidious


There are some Star Wars characters whose Hogwarts houses are immediately identifiable, and Palpatine is one such character. Unlike Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Palpatine’s most significant characteristic was his dark side/evil nature. While Slytherin is a bit more complicated than just outright evil, Palpatine shares many of the house’s more specific traits, among them ambitious and manipulative.

While Slytherin is a bit more complicated than just outright evil, Palpatine shares many of the house’s more specific traits.

These proved to be some of Palpatine’s most defining traits in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. In the original trilogy, it was clear that Palpatine was evil, but the prequels, Revenge of the Sith in particular, revealed just how crafty he really was. He had been plotting the downfall of the Jedi and the Republic all along, even orchestrating an entire war to achieve the power he sought. He also used his manipulation tactics on Anakin, drawing him to the dark side as well, making it clear that Slytherin is the only place for Palpatine.

Luke Skywalker Would Be A Gryffindor

Luke’s Tenacity And Bravery Saved The Galaxy


Luke Skywalker is perhaps the best example of a Gryffindor in all of Star Wars. He may have grown up on a moisture farm of Tatooine, far from many of the graver threats of the galaxy, the Empire included, but that didn’t stop him from developing an incredible sense of bravery. When he was given the opportunity to leave Tatooine and join the Rebellion, he didn’t hesitate to do so, and he went on to confront two of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy with minimal fear.

Gryffindors are also so much more than just their bravery; they are also self-assured and adventurous. Both of these characteristics also suit Luke, who was happy to strike out on his own at various points, including to travel to Dagobah and track down the mysterious Jedi Master Yoda. Luke’s belief that his father could be saved also seems to be in keeping with the nature of a Gryffindor, as this Hogwarts house has many students who persevere and tend to maintain an optimistic outlook.

Obi-Wan Would Be A Hufflepuff

Obi-Wan’s Loyalty, Kindness, And Patience Make Him A Clear Hufflepuff


Hufflepuff may be the least featured in the Harry Potter movies, but that doesn’t mean the house is unimportant. To the contrary, Hufflepuff is an honorable house with a number of pivotal, beloved characters in it, including the late Cedric Diggory. This house is known most for loyalty, although a hardworking nature and kindness are also among this Hogwarts house’s most prominent traits.

These personality traits make it clear that Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Hufflepuff. Obi-Wan was introduced in A New Hope as the wise if a bit odd old Jedi who watched over Luke, but the prequels developed him much more clearly, revealing what an important member of the Jedi Order he had been. In fact, while Obi-Wan was still a Padawan in The Phantom Menace, in under a decade, he had risen through the ranks and joined the Jedi Council. He was extremely respected in the Order and beyond, in part because of these attributes he shares with Hufflepuffs.

Yoda Would Be A Ravenclaw

No One Could Match Master Yoda’s Wisdom


It’s a bit humorous to imagine Master Yoda in any Hogwarts house, both because he hasn’t been young enough to attend Hogwarts in quite some time and because he is such an iconic figure that it’s difficult to picture him in this context. Nevertheless, Master Yoda would absolutely be sorted into Ravenclaw. Master Yoda was unquestionably brave, loyal, and hardworking, but there was simply no one who could match Yoda’s incredible wisdom.

The prequels interestingly saw this wisdom falter at times, especially given Palpatine’s ability to manipulate and infiltrate the Jedi. However, one of the most important roles Yoda plays throughout Star Wars is as a mentor. The most powerful, capable, and brilliant Jedi sought Yoda’s guidance throughout the Star Wars timeline, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, and Anakin Skywalker. Even in shows like Star Wars Rebels, Yoda resurfaced as the Jedi to seek out when help was needed because he was so brilliant.

Padmé Amidala Would Be A Ravenclaw

Padmé Was One Of The Most Brilliant Characters In The Prequels


Just as Luke is the quintessential Gryffindor in Star Wars, Padmé is the best example of a Ravenclaw in the entire Star Wars franchise. From her introduction in The Phantom Menace to her final moments in Revenge of the Sith, Padmé proved to be one of the most intelligent characters in Star Wars. In fact, it was Padmé who suspected Dooku was trying to kill her in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, and she believed the Republic itself could be corrupted in Revenge of the Sith, suggesting she was more perceptive even than many Jedi.

Related Forget The Force, The Jedi Council’s Greatest Failure Was Not Listening To Padme

Although the Jedi Order made many mistakes in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the worst decision they made was not listening to Padme’s wisdom.

Her character development in Star Wars: The Clone Wars specifically highlighted her intelligence, as she was one of few characters to truly try to end the Clone Wars by bridging both sides, and she pulled off some very difficult missions. Padmé also frequently used her hair, clothing, and general appearance to execute these plans, knowing they would be a distraction and deceive even those who worked closely with her. This strategy was precisely how the handmaiden switch in The Phantom Menace worked. Truly, Padmé is one of Star Wars’ most brilliant characters and a clear Ravenclaw.

Ahsoka Tano Would Be A Gryffindor

Ahsoka’s Fierceness Was Evident From The Moment She Was Introduced


Ahsoka Tano was the perfect Padawan for Anakin, which is clear in numerous ways, including their shared Hogwarts house being Gryffindor. Like Anakin, Ahsoka could be suited to other Hogwarts houses, although in Anakin’s case, this is the darker house of Slytherin. For Ahsoka, she could certainly fit in with Hufflepuff, given her fierce loyalty to Anakin and her deep compassion for others.

Also like Anakin, though, Ahsoka’s most prominent trait was and continues to be her bravery. Ahsoka has never hesitated to put herself in harm’s way to help others or do what is right, which began even when she was a Padawan at just 14 years old. She has also consistently faced off against terrifying opponents, such as Darth Maul during the Siege of Mandalore in The Clone Wars. Even now, as she is trapped on Peridea following the Ahsoka finale, Ahsoka seems undeterred.

Ben Solo/Kylo Ren Would Be A Slytherin

Ben Solo Long Battled With Inner Darkness


Although Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is a complicated character, he is much more clearly in Slytherin. Ben struggled with the dark side from very early on in his life. This is exactly why Luke nearly kills him, despite the fact that Ben is his nephew and losing faith in one’s ability to be redeemed was entirely contrary to Luke’s character. Yes, this was the manipulation of Snoke (and, by extension, Palpatine), but it’s clear that Kylo Ren embraced the dark side with enthusiasm at some point between that event and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Kylo Ren also exhibited a significant thirst for power, aligning him with the highly ambitious nature of this Hogwarts house. Kylo clearly wanted to be as powerful as possible, and he sought to rule as Supreme Leader. This is different even from Anakin, who wanted to use the dark side to save Padmé’s life. Kylo Ren’s intentions, from what was shown on screen, at least, were purely self-serving. In the end, he did manage to change, but that doesn’t undercut the fact that he would be sorted into Slytherin.

Snape, Draco, and Slughorn in Harry Potter. Related Harry Potter: 16 Slytherins That Actually Did Good For The Wizarding World

Slytherin has a bad reputation in Harry Potter, but the Hogwarts house has been home to some good characters who did great things for the world.

Rey Would Be A Hufflepuff

Rey’s Kindness Is Precisely How Her Jedi Journey Began


Rey is yet another clear Hufflepuff in Star Wars. Like Obi-Wan, Rey proved to be incredibly kind and very loyal—even to those she’d just met. Despite how clearly she was struggling just to get food for herself, when she was offered a massive reward for handing over BB-8 in The Force Awakens, she refused, instead risking her life to keep him safe.

She maintained that same level of commitment to the Resistance and those she met along her journey throughout the sequel trilogy, never failing to stand by them. Rey’s dedication to trying to turn Ben Solo back to the light side of the Force is also indicative of her Hufflepuff nature, as was her belief that her parents would return for her. Rey, like many Star Wars characters, clearly fits into one of the four Hogwarts houses in Harry Potter, based on the house’s distinct traits.

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