Like Dragon Gaiden
“Yakuza Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name” is an action-adventure game developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega. As a spin-off of the Yakuza series, the game follows the narrative of Yakuza: Like a Dragon (2020). It shifts the focus to iconic protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, sending him on a new adventure in Osaka, this time taking on the role of a secret agent.
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Dragon Gaiden will be released on November 9, 2023, and will be playable on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms. The game immerses players in Kiryu’s journey through Osaka’s intricate underworld, providing a unique perspective on the character’s narrative within the wider Yakuza universe.
You are watching: Like a Dragon Gaiden Support Map Guide, Gameplay, Trailer and More
Like a Dragon Gaiden adds an engaging chapter to the critically acclaimed Yakuza gaming experience with its action-packed gameplay and engaging storyline.
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Dragon Gaiden Support Map Guide
Navigating Yakuza Gaiden Support Map: Guide to Solving Mysterious Note Requests
Unlock request
To begin the Solve the Mystery Note Walk and Patrol request in Yakuza Gaiden, players must first reach Chapter 4 of the storyline.
Find the quest giver
Access the menu and open the Akame Network’s support map. Look for the Sotenbori Trail area on the north side of the river, where an exclamation point marks the spot. Players can find the person who initiated the request here.
Unlock the mysterious note
Talk to the man on the bench at the designated location. He will share the details of a mysterious note that points to an orb just out of sight of the four turtles and mentions a unique structure on the south side of the city.
Find iconic structures
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Go to Shōfukucho on the east side of the Sotenbori coin lockers. Continuing on the path between the east and west ends of the street, you can see four golden turtles. Adjust the camera to face the direction indicated by the turtle, revealing the collectible on the terrace. Use the spider gadget to retrieve the golden orbs required for the request.
mission accomplished
Return to the person with the golden ball and complete the mission. As a reward for your efforts, you will receive 50,000 yen in cash and 800 Akame Network points. Take this opportunity to explore the surrounding area and make additional requests to enhance your gaming experience.
Like Dragon Gaiden gameplay
In “Yakuza Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name”, players will command Kazuma Kiryu to go deep into Osaka’s vibrant Sotenbori district. The Isezaki Ijincho district of Yokohama is featured prominently in Yakuza: Like a Dragon and the Lost Trials and can also be visited in the first chapter.
Another centre, the Castle, provides a central space for participation in a variety of side activities. The return of beloved mini-games like Karaoke, Pocket Track Racing, Cabaret Club, and Fighting Arena add a touch of nostalgia. New character Akame serves as an informant and presents interesting side quests to Kiryu.
Kiryu has two distinct fighting styles: Yakuza and Agent. The Yakuza style reflects his traditional hand-to-hand combat, while the Agent style emphasizes “sheer speed and precision” and incorporates cutting-edge equipment.
Like Lost Judgment, Like a Dragon Gaiden introduces master system games like Alex Kidd in Miracle World and arcade games like Virtua Fighter 2. In addition, the game also offers a special trial version of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which can be unlocked after completing the main storyline of Dragon Sword. Story, including an exclusive story demo and a limited free-roam map of the fictional Honolulu, Hawaii.
Like a Dragon Gaiden plot
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In “Yakuza Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name”, the story is set after “Yakuza 6: Song of Life”. Kazuma Kiryu fakes his death and conducts undercover activities as a secret agent of the Daidaiji faction code-named “Joryu”. The story unfolds during and after Yakuza: Like a Dragon, paving the way for Yakuza: Infinite Fortune.
New characters include Kihei Hanawa, administrator of Daidaiji Temple; Minoru Nishitani III, leader of the Onijin clan; Kousei Hato and Yuki Tsuruno, members of the Omi Alliance Watase family; Akame, a Sotenbori informant; and more. Kiryu possesses the fighting style of a Japanese gangster and agent, carrying out missions for Daidoji, dealing with alliances and betrayals.
The story unfolds as Kiryu confronts a mysterious figure and uncovers a series of conflicts. Gameplay features classic mini-games and introduces master system gameplay. The storyline follows the twists and turns, alliances and dissolutions of the Omi Alliance and the Tojo clan.
The story weaves between Osaka and Yokohama, providing a fascinating chapter in the Yakuza universe. The Infinite Fortune story presentation is set in Hawaii and follows Kiryu assisting Kasuga Ichiban, adding depth to the overall narrative.
Dragon Gaiden release date
“Yakuza Gaiden: The Man Who Erased” will be released globally on November 9, 2023 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The pre-order bonus DLC includes fan-favorite characters Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima, and Daigo Dojima in the arena mini-game.
The game has opted for a digital-first approach, with a limited physical release in select Asian regions. It’s worth noting that the English dub wasn’t available at launch, but has been earmarked for a subsequent update. This version continues the tradition of the beloved Yakuza series, captivating players with its immersive narrative and diverse gameplay elements.
Like a Dragon Gaiden trailer
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Category: Gaming