This article contains spoilers for Interview with the Vampire.The first show to hit the AMC+ Anne Rice TV Franchise, Immortal Universe, was Interview with the Vampire, and it gave the world a seriously quotable Lestat de Lioncourt. Launching in 2022, Interview with the Vampire adapted the novel of the same name by horror and fantasy luminary Anne Rice. It also offered a sequel of sorts to the story in the novel, imagining a second interview 49 years after the one depicted in Anne Rice’s famous 1976 book. Interview with the Vampire season 2 continues in this vein, with Lestat a main character throughout.
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Interview with the Vampire was the first of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles book series. Interview with the Vampire seasons 1 and 2 may both cover book one, but season 3 will adapt book two of The Vampire Chronicles. This book is The Vampire Lestat, and it provides a particularly exciting foundation for Interview with the Vampire season 3, especially for lovers of Sam Reid’s Lestat. While Louis was the point of view character in book one, Lestat was the point of view character for book two, and season 3 of the show will reflect this, promising lots more quotable antihero action.
You are watching: Lestat’s 12 Best Quotes From Interview With The Vampire
12 “I’m A Lot”
Lestat Is A Dog, But An Honest Dog
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In his own words, Lestat is a dog, but an honest dog. Apart from that time he had an affair with Antoinette, said he killed her, and didn’t. Whether he’s being an honest dog or a dishonest dog, he definitely qualifies as “a lot,” and a challenging boyfriend for the inexperienced Louis de Pointe du Lac. However, with season 3 about to show Lestat’s point of view, who knows what truths may be revealed.
Whatever facts Louis may have twisted during his narrative in Interview with the Vampire seasons 1 and 2, Lestat was probably “a lot” either way. He will likely keep being a tough nut to crack all the way into season 3 and beyond. But Lestat is “a lot” in many ways, and not all of them are bad. He’s just plain extra, and there’s no one on the screen beside him or in front of the screen watching him who doesn’t love that at least a bit.
11 “I Heard Your Hearts Dancing”
Lestat Can Hear His Lover’s Heart From Miles Away
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Louis de Pointe du Lac and Lestat de Lioncourt explored polyamory in seasons 1 and 2, and Lestat’s jealousy was radiant as he exclaimed, “I heard your hearts dancing.” Even though he was the one who suggested the openness of their relationship, he couldn’t contain the rage and pain of hearing his lover with someone else. Superhuman hearing has its downsides.
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There’s a major crossover on the cards for Interview with the Vampire and Mayfair Witches but it might be a tough one to roll out well.
This line typifies the romantic flourishes that Rolin Jones and his crew give to the Interview with the Vampire script, making their original material sound like it could have come from the pen of Anne Rice herself. Interview with the Vampire’s changes to the original story have somehow managed to feel very in line with the spirit of Anne Rice. Adding original dialogue for Lestat has felt like a continuation of the character, rather than a change to it.
10 “The Light Of The Sun, The Sustained Heat Of An Intense Fire – These Things Might Destroy Me”
“But Then Again, They Might Not”
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Lestat was quoting these words directly from Anne Rice in the trailer for Interview with the Vampire season 3. The trailer impressively tackled Lestat’s rock star arc in season 3, laid out by The Vampire Lestat. It was a joy to get a taste of what Lestat will be like as the lead of the show, with viewers getting firmly into his head. Lestat quoted Anne Rice during his own voiceover of the narrative.
Lestat’s iconic quote refers to his invulnerability as a vampire and an immortal. He is talking about the few things in the world that could do him harm while acknowledging that even they may be insufficient to defeat him. The quote is typical of Lestat’s charisma. His confidence is infuriating and inspiring at the same time.
9 “I’m Not Sure How I Feel About That Pleated Skirt”
They Say Fashion Kills
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Louis and Lestat discussing their adopted daughter’s outfit is unquestionably one of the best moments of season 1, with Lestat’s catty remark summing him up perfectly. He is both fully snarky and fully fabulous. This was also a merciful glimpse of Louis and Lestat getting along amid the heartbreaking and inevitable breakdown of their relationship.
Louis and Lestat reliably dressed to kill, all too literally for the people of New Orleans.
Fashion may have been the only thing Louis and Lestat could agree on in the later stages of their romance – just. The two couldn’t be relied upon to have an adult conversation. However, Louis and Lestat reliably dressed to kill, all too literally, for the people of New Orleans. Flaunting substance and style, the show will make more exciting wardrobe choices with its grunge and glam rock focus in season 3.
8 “Vien A Moi”
“Come To Me” In French
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The first episode of the show’s first season was absolutely loaded with notable Lestat quotes, and “come to me” may be the most unforgettable. Short and sweet, this memorable phrase was pure Lestat – seductive, persistent, and better in French. Lestat’s French accent was a huge highlight of the show, contrasting the Tom Cruise Lestat of the 1994 movie.
Whispered over miles, Lestat thrust his message out to Louis, even as he turned away from him. Or so Louis said. But Louis’ perspective could have been skewed, as season 3 is sure to explore. Lestat mentioned that it was Louis demanding his presence, and the plot will thicken further when viewers understand Lestat’s perspective in season 3.
7 “You Swam The Mississippi To Find Me”
No Matter How Hard Fans Ship Louis And Lestat, Lestat Ships It Harder
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Lestat’s persistence was rewarded in Interview with the Vampire when Louis finally burst into Lestat’s house to say his piece and demand answers for Lestat’s behavior. Louis arrived dripping wet, and Lestat was incredulous to discover how far Louis went to get to him. “You swam the Mississippi to find me” is the perfect expression of Lestat’s probing for approval and Louis’ obsession with Lestat.
Lestat’s need for validation is a theme in the show and the book. He doesn’t want to be alone, which is understandable, considering his upbringing and experiences. It doesn’t excuse his appalling stint as a partner to Louis, which is flawed, even taking Louis’ narrative with a pinch of salt. However, he worships Louis as much as Louis worships him, if not more, and this is gloriously developed in Anne Rice’s best books, as well as the show.
6 “I Have A Capacity For Enduring”
Lestat Survives 200 Years Of Tragedy
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Lestat’s quote “I have a capacity for enduring” came near the end of his explanation to Louis and Claudia of how he was turned. Lestat described his maker, Magnus, in horrific terms, and season 3 will supply an intriguing view on how truthful Lestat’s description was. There are many differences between the book and the show, and it can be hard to tell which changes constitute the show’s new canon, and which constitute Louis’ bias and are about to be blown apart by Lestat’s side of the story.
Regardless of this, Lestat faced a fittingly challenging childhood and adolescence, despite being born into a noble family. Poverty, harsh winters, and a tough home life led up to some big losses for Lestat. Anyone who has seen roughly 200 winters would have some stories to tell, and Lestat has enough trauma to fuel all his bitterness in Interview with the Vampire seasons 1 and 2. But his joie de vivre is what makes him lovable, and that will come back in full force in season 3.
5 “Only The Impossible Can Do The Impossible”
The French: “Seul L’Impossible Peut Faire L’Impossible”
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“Seul l’impossible peut faire l’impossible” is Lestat de Lioncourt’s first ever line in Interview with the Vampire, and it is suitably resonant. Uttered in French, Lestat is engrossed in a conversation with Lily, who can’t understand French. However, Louis can and sits down at their table to translate for Lily. Lestat’s line is a self-fulfilling prophecy – he is as impossible as it comes. With a difficult attitude to rival both Louis’ and Claudia’s, Lestat does the impossible numerous times.
Anne Rice took low fantasy to great heights in The Vampire Chronicles, documenting vampire powers. Interview with the Vampire is adapting many of these, including Lestat’s fantastical cloud gift. Flying in states of agony and ecstasy seems to be the way for the show’s Lestat, but Lestat and his coven also deal with more mundane but equally impossible tasks, including getting along despite immeasurable differences.
4 “Embrace What You Are”
Lestat Sees Some Things More Clearly Than Most
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Lestat is full of abusive, toxic cruelty, but when wisdom leaves his lips, it is disarmingly sincere. Louis’ tortured, guilty soul makes for one of the most compelling characters of the 21st century, but Lestat’s unashamed embracing of his nature creates a much-needed foil. Lestat couldn’t help being turned – he didn’t beg for it like Nicky or Madeleine.
He was kidnapped and turned against his will, and now finds himself making the best of a bad situation. More than that, Lestat’s lust for life and positive attitude enabled him to quickly turn around what would have been a devastating blow for many. He came to love his vampire nature, and chose to continue refining his lifestyle, instead of throwing himself into the fire like his maker. “Embrace what you are” is hard-earned wisdom that many people need to receive.
3 “Every Human Thought Boils Down To Three Things: I Want Food, I Want Sex, I Want To Go Home”
Lestat Gets It
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Lestat de Lioncourt proved his wisdom once again by summarizing the human condition in one line. When schooling Louis on how to read others’ thoughts, and selectively hear those most relevant, Lestat pointed out the gist of anything and everything Louis was likely to hear. Rather aptly, Lestat pointed out that people just want food, sex, and to go home.
Anne Rice excelled at witty aphorisms in the tradition of turn-of-the-century writers like Oscar Wilde.
This is an example of original dialogue from the show’s writers that seems classic already, fitting in perfectly with the acerbic wit of the Anne Rice books. Anne Rice excelled at witty aphorisms in the tradition of turn-of-the-century writers like Oscar Wilde. If the show can keep churning out one-liners like this, it will be well on the way to producing one of the best TV shows of recent years.
2 “The Earth’s A Savage Garden”
The Iconic Anne Rice Quote That Inspired The Pop Band
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Anne Rice and her Vampire Chronicles book series were particularly famous for the “savage garden” concept, which was the namesake of the band, Savage Garden. Lestat saw the world and human nature as a savage garden, wild and dangerous but full of possibility. It spoke to his innocence, in a weird and roundabout way. The show sandwiched the “savage garden” quote between its own lines.
Related Interview With The Vampire Season 3’s Queen Of The Damned Reference Makes Me Even More Excited For Lestat’s Future
The Queen of the Damned reference in the Interview with the Vampire season 3 trailer dropped at San Diego Comic-Con has me in stitches.
Placed tellingly in the show’s very first episode, this quote set up the faithfulness of the series to come. Although packed with original dialogue, the show was full of Anne Rice callbacks, Easter eggs, and tie-ins. The show’s original material drew out Anne Rice’s key themes, crystallizing them in a way that perhaps even she couldn’t, writing in the ’70s.
1 “Be All The Beautiful Things You Are And Be Them Without Apology”
A Strange Role Model For Strange Times
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Whether perceived as a villain, an antihero, or a hero, Lestat is anything but weak. And his strength operates on many levels, not just the physical or mental. Lestat’s kindness and spiritual authenticity shine through even while being slandered by Louis, although Louis tells a lot of truth that Lestat is incapable of telling. The AMC+ show nailed Lestat’s Byronic heroism and refusal to fit any mold society presented him with.
Rejected by the church, his family, high society, and low society, Lestat learned the hard way that the only person that could speak for him was himself. A horribly complex man, Lestat is nonetheless a strange role model for strange times. Interview with the Vampire cashes in on the rich vampire tradition of queerness and otherness taking its revenge on society in a way that feels like justice. It’s quite possible that Lestat has just as big a heart as the TV series he is a part of.
Interview with the Vampire 8
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Based on Anne Rice’s novel series that began in 1976, Interview with the Vampire is a gothic horror fantasy series that explores the life of Louis de Pointe du Lac through an interview with a journalist. Told through flashbacks of Louis’ life during the interview, the series examines Louis’ relationship with the vampire that turned him, Lestat de Lioncourt, and a teenage girl named Claudia, whom he turns. The series is the first of Anne Rice’s Immortal Universe media franchise.
Cast Jacob Anderson , Sam Reid , Eric Bogosian , Bailey Bass Release Date October 2, 2022 Seasons 2 Writers Rolin Jones Showrunner Mark Johnson
Category: Entertainment