- An Aries would excel in Force athleticism, showcasing bravery and fierceness in lightsaber battles.
- A Taurus would benefit from Force mind probe, tapping into strengths like determination and straightforwardness.
- Geminis would master the Jedi mind trick with their playful nature.
These 12 Star Wars Force powers perfectly align with each of the Zodiac signs. There are a number of Force powers in Star Wars, both on the light side and the dark side of the Force. In fact, throughout Star Wars movies and TV shows, more and more incredible Force powers have been added to the franchise.
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While many of these Force powers are more specialized and only certain Star Wars characters can wield them, others have long been staples for Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi and Star Wars’ most powerful Sith. Nevertheless, each of these Force powers being a Jedi or Sith’s specialty reveals much about their relationship to the Force and their personality. Based on the unique traits of each of the 12 Zodiac signs, these Force powers are their perfect Force abilities.
You are watching: Which Star Wars Force Power Would Be Your Speciality Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
Related Star Wars: Which Sith Would Be Your Master, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
The dynamic between master and apprentice is essential to adhere to the Sith Rule of Two, so who would your Sith master be based on your Zodiac sign?
The Bold Aries’ Specialty Would Be Force Athleticism
The Jedi’s Incredible Athletic Feats Have Been Seen Throughout Star Wars
The Jedi’s astounding athleticism is well-known in the Star Wars franchise, from their ability to jump from great heights unharmed to their brilliant lightsaber battles requiring flexibility, strength, and a number of other skills. In fact, Star Wars’ best lightsaber battles are perhaps the ideal place to look for proof of how athletic some Jedi really are. One perfect example appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars when Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul went head-to-head on Mandalore just before the events of Order 66.
The bold, confident, and passionate nature of an Aries means that Force athleticism would be their Force power specialty. As Ahsoka made clear during this Clone Wars arc, Jedi athleticism goes far beyond simple strength. Rather, it is an entire manner of being that requires bravery and fierceness. Aries, based on their unique traits, would therefore excel with this Force power.
Jedi athleticism goes far beyond simple strength.
Force Mind Probe Would Be A Favorite For A Taurus
Kylo Ren’s Mind Probe Was Prominent In The Sequel Trilogy
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The light side of the Force certainly doesn’t corner the market on powerful Force abilities—quite the opposite. There are a number of incredible dark side Force powers that have been introduced in Star Wars throughout the years. One such ability is Force mind probe, which was prominently featured in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Kylo Ren made use of this ability frequently, including with sequel trilogy heroes Poe Dameron and Rey. This ability enables the user to explore the mind of the person before them, which not only reveals their inner thoughts but also clearly causes some pain.
Force mind probe gets at many of the strengths of a Taurus.
The determined, straightforward Taurus would certainly benefit from such a power. While this is a dark side Force power, that doesn’t have to be a negative. Rather, Force mind probe gets at many of the strengths of a Taurus; after all, this sign is known for being no nonsense. Few things could better embody this in Star Wars than a Force power that enables one to simply access and take the information they want from someone. Of course, the signature stubbornness of a Taurus would also make this power desirable.
Playful Geminis Would Excel At The Jedi Mind Trick
This Power Was Made Famous By Obi-Wan Kenobi In A New Hope
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Perhaps no Force power is more iconic than the Jedi mind trick. This power was first used by Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope when he waved his hand and said “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” This line has become famous both within and far outside the franchise, proving how big an impact this Force power had on cinema. It has since appeared countless times in Star Wars, from Qui-Gon using it in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace to Rey using it in The Force Awakens.
While there are certainly times this Force power was used in very dire straits, this Force ability is also undeniably a fun one. This is likely why the Jedi mind trick has such staying power and has permeated popular culture. The more playful side of this Force power makes it perfect for Geminis. Gemini is a Zodiac sign known for humor, friendliness, and playfulness. Undoubtedly, an outgoing Gemini would master the Jedi mind trick.
Undoubtedly, an outgoing Gemini would master the Jedi mind trick.
Protective Cancers Would Use Force Shield Frequently
Force Shield Is The Perfect Force Power For A Non-Confrontational Cancer
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Force shield might be a more reserved Force ability, as it is very directly intended to protect rather than be an act of aggression, but it is an essential Jedi power. This ability has been seen throughout Star Wars, although one of the most recent and most significant uses came in The Mandalorian season 3 finale. In fact, it seemed as though Bo-Katan Kryze, Din Djarin, and Grogu were all about to be burned to death, but Grogu used this incredible power to protect and save all three of them.
Force shield is therefore ideal for a Cancer. Cancers are known for preservation, both of themselves and those they love. In fact, the sign of the Cancer, a crab, is meant to symbolize this more protective nature. Moreover, Cancers are known for being non-confrontational. This makes Force shield even more perfect for the Cancer Zodiac sign, as this power is intended to diffuse a situation rather than react with even greater strength and aggression.
Fiery Leos Would Love Force Choke
This Sith Power Is Perfect For A Fire Sign
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If the Jedi mind trick is the most well-known light side Force ability, then Force choke is the most famous (and most popular) Sith Force power. Although this power was first used by Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, the Sith Force choke has since become an absolute staple in the franchise. In fact, The Clone Wars very intentionally incorporated this Force power into Anakin Skywalker’s Clone Wars-era story, foreshadowing the dark future he was quickly approaching.
While not all Leos have to be dark side Force-users, Force choke is undoubtedly the Force specialty of the fiery, short-tempered Leo. Leos are one of three fire signs, but they are especially well-known for their short fuses and brazen attitudes. In fact, one of the prominent traits of a Leo is a sense of bravado or ego, which surely goes hand-in-hand with such a shocking act.
The Classic Force Telekinesis Is Ideal For Virgos
Star Wars’ Most Iconic Force Power Is Telekinesis
Although the Jedi mind trick is likely the most popular light side Force power in all of Star Wars, Force telekinesis is almost certainly the first Force power that comes to mind when one thinks of the Jedi. This power has been featured in Star Wars from the very beginning, and it continues to be a Star Wars staple. In fact, the Star Wars sequel trilogy even made a joke about this, as Rey believed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi that there was little more to wielding the Force than lifting rocks.
Of course, there is quite a bit more to the Force and to the Jedi than lifting rocks or using Force telekinesis. Nevertheless, this Force power truly is one of the most foundational, and that makes it perfect for a Virgo. Virgos are all about order, structure, and rule-following. Presumably, this Zodiac sign would want to learn and master the basics, which would lead them directly to adopting Force telekinesis as their Force specialty.
Mace Windu’s Incredible Shatterpoint Power Fits A Sagittarius Perfectly
This Power Is Incredibly Unique In The Franchise
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Mace Windu’s unique, iconic Force ability, named Shatterpoint, is unlike anything else seen in Star Wars—even among the Jedi. This incredible Force power allows the user to identify and exploit their opponent’s weak point, which clearly offers a massive advantage in battle. Interestingly, this wasn’t only a physical weakness during a fight, though; Shatterpoint also grants the user the ability to identify circumstantial weakness.
Shatterpoint also grants the user the ability to identify circumstantial weakness.
Clearly, this power takes a very special Force-user, and it is therefore perfect for a Sagittarius. Sagittarians, like Leos, are fire signs, but they are better known for their bold, adventurous spirit and their intellectual, even philosophical nature. This combination of traits makes them uniquely capable of mastering such a complex power. Shatterpoint is so much more than bravery, strength, or wisdom alone; it is a combination of skills that fits perfectly with the traits of a Sagittarius.
Balanced Libras Would Have Environmental Telepathy
Libras Would Be Perfectly In-Tune With The Nature Around Them
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Environmental telepathy is a Force power that was introduced in Justina Ireland’s novel Star Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage and was wielded by none other than High Republic Era Jedi Vernestra Rwoh who was just prominently featured in The Acolyte. This power, like other forms of Jedi empathy, involves being especially attuned to other living things. However, in this case, environmental telepathy enables the user to understand the planet, nature, or environment around them through the Force.
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Environmental telepathy enables the user to understand the planet, nature, or environment around them through the Force.
This type of Force power is absolutely perfect for a Libra. Libras are all about balance and idealism. It is precisely this nature that a Force-user would need to tap into to form this bond with the plants and animals of a given environment. Moreover, Libras are known for being compassionate and cooperative, which is surely integral to environmental telepathy.
Force Concealment Would Be Perfect For Secretive Scorpios
Palpatine’s Prequel Trilogy Power Went Entirely Undetected
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Although the exact details of Palpatine’s very impressive ability to hide his true identity from the Jedi in the prequel trilogy haven’t yet been clarified, it is clear that Palpatine used a Force power, Force concealment, to go undetected. It’s easy to blame or mock the prequel era Jedi for not knowing they were working so closely with a Sith Lord, but, in truth, Palpatine was surely calling upon the dark side to hide himself in the Force. This ability is therefore perfect for a Scorpio.
Palpatine was surely calling upon the dark side to hide himself in the Force.
Scorpios have many wonderful traits, from bravery, to loyalty, to ambition. However, Scorpios are perhaps most prominently known for their secrecy. It is this trait that would make Force concealment the perfect Force specialty for Scorpios. The ability to hide their true natures and their motives would undoubtedly be appealing to a Scorpio, even if it wasn’t always used for evil deeds. Perhaps many Scorpios would find a way to use this for good.
The Wise Aquarius Would Master Force Visions
Anakin Was One Of Many Jedi To Have Visisons—But They Consumed Him
Force visions have played a major role in Star Wars, especially in the prequel trilogy era. The most well-known visions are undoubtedly Anakin Skywalker’s, particularly in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. In fact, Anakin’s visions in Revenge of the Sith came to define the entire galaxy, as he let his fears about his visions of Padmé dying in childbirth coming true lead him directly to the dark side. However, Force visions are so much more than just Anakin’s nightmares in Star Wars—in truth, they reflect incredible power.
Unlike Anakin, a wise Aquarius would know exactly what to do with Force visions. Aquarians are known for being incredibly insightful and intellectual, and they would likely be able to learn to use these visions to their advantage rather than falling victim to them. In fact, for an Aquarius, such visions would only strengthen their connection to the Force.
Aquarians are known for being incredibly insightful and intellectual, and they would likely be able to learn to use these visions to their advantage.
A Disciplined Capricorn Would Wield The Incredibly Powerful Psychometry
Only The Most Disciplined Jedi Could Master This Power
Related One “Rare” Clone Wars Force Power Is Becoming Ridiculously Common In Star Wars
One particularly useful Force ability is becoming all the more common in the Star Wars franchise, even though it was supposed to be exceedingly rare.
Psychometry is an absolutely incredible Force power in Star Wars. This power allows the user to see and experience the history of an object by touching it. This was shown in the sequel trilogy when Rey touched Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber and was thrown into a series of memories as though she was really there. Although this is the most notable example on screen, this power was mastered by prequel era Jedi Quinlan Vos.
Psychometry would surely be the Force specialty of a Capricorn.
Psychometry would surely be the Force specialty of a Capricorn. Capricorns are best known for their hard work and determination, and only such a Jedi could truly master this exceptional power. In fact, arguably, Rey is a perfect example of the type of Jedi who could wield this power, as she shows the very same grit this Zodiac sign is known for. Moreover, Capricorns are known for being persistent, and mastering this Force power would certainly require perseverance.
Compassionate Pisces Would Use Force Empathy
Pisces Is The Perfect Sign For Force Empathy
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Empathy is essential for all Jedi, but Force empathy is a unique ability that enables the Force user to truly understand another being, including by sensing their pain. Although Star Wars hasn’t confirmed that Ahsoka Tano wields this Force power, she certainly seems to be an excellent example of the ability, particularly in The Clone Wars. Ahsoka exhibited constant compassion in that era, going far beyond the typical Jedi empathy.
Force empathy would inevitably become the Force specialty of a Pisces.
This power would therefore be perfect for Pisces, the Zodiac sign known for profound emotional intelligence and compassion. In fact, this Force power would undoubtedly come quite naturally to a Pisces, who would already be inclined in this way. Indeed, Force empathy would inevitably become the Force specialty of a Pisces. Truly, there is an ideal Force power in Star Wars for each of the 12 Zodiac signs based on their unique traits.
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