Valorant Update 7.07 Patch Notes: Fixes and Improvements

Valorant update 7.07 patch notes

Competition updates

After listening to your feedback, we’ve decided to remove the tier 5 ranking limit recently implemented in patch 7.06. We know how important it is to play with friends and the flexibility required to do so.

Originally, the level restrictions were there to prevent people from illegally advancing to the highest levels like Tejas. In the end, we realize that your flexibility with the 5-stack is more important than the very small number of people who abuse this vulnerability. However, we still recognize that boosting poses a risk to competitive integrity and are working on an appropriate long-term solution that does not impact your ability to play 5-stack games with friends.

Map update


Updated the destruction VFX for the destructible door panel located at the center door/garage so that it is easier to see when the panel comes off.

Performance update

Enables multi-threaded rendering for discrete Intel GPUs and reduces the number of CPU cores required.

BUG fix


In patch 7.06, we fixed a bug that allowed the game to output surround sound when certain conditions were met, but the surround mix was untested and unsupported. VALORANT currently only supports stereo and mono sound output.

  • To simulate surround sound on headphones, we provide HRTF settings. We do not recommend combining in-game HRTF settings with other surround virtualization software at the same time, as this results in double processing.
  • Note that other surround virtualization software cannot obtain surround information from a stereo mix.


  • signal
  • Neural Steal (X) now completes even if Cypher dies after casting.
  • Fixed an issue where you could remain blinded when viewing the flash through Cypher’s spy camera (E) when the turn ends.
  • gecko
  • The detection range of Stunning (E) enemies is now correctly reduced when within range of the Viper’s Pit (X) ability.

Prime Minister

  • Fixed an issue where the offense was prioritized over the defense in overtime voting.
  • Fixed a bug where a second timer bar would appear after the “Choose a Side” vote ended.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause subsequent overtime priority voting to occur in the next round under certain circumstances.

“Valorant” update 7.07 all buffs

In the new Valorant update 7.07, there are some important changes. One of them is that the door you can break on the Haven map in the middle garage will look better after breaking it. This will make it easier for you to see enemies and shoot them through broken doors, which is very useful in the game.

Additionally, this update also makes the game run better on computers with Intel graphics cards. It will make the game run more smoothly and make the graphics in the game look better. The game will also use less of the computer’s brain (CPU), so it can run well on computers without powerful brains. These changes should make Valorant more fun to play and better to look at, especially for players with Intel graphics cards.


Valorant update 7.07 nerfs

In Valorant update 7.07, players can expect a slew of changes, including some nerfs and bug fixes. One of the notable adjustments is the Haven’s destructible doors in the mid-car garage, which now have their visuals improved, making it easier to see them when they break. This change is intended to enhance their tactical gameplay on the Haven map by helping players better understand where to shoot to ensure wall blast kills.

In addition, the update includes performance optimizations, especially for systems equipped with discrete Intel GPUs. Riot Games has introduced multi-threaded rendering support for these settings, resulting in smoother gameplay and higher frame rates. Additionally, games now require fewer CPU cores to run efficiently, contributing to an overall optimized gaming experience.


Valorant is a very popular game that you can play for free. It’s a shooter where you watch through the character’s eyes. The game is made by a company called Riot Games and you can only play it on a Windows computer. They first talked about the game in October 2019, with the secret title “Project A.” Then in April 2020, they specially let some people try it out, and on June 2, 2020, it was officially released to everyone.

The people who made this game started developing this game back in 2014. They took inspiration from another game called Counter-Strike, like how to buy weapons and things to help you, how the gun fires in a certain way when you pull the trigger, and how to stay still while shooting. more acurrate. But what makes Valorant special is that every character in the game has their own special abilities, which makes it even more interesting and fun to play. You have to use both your brain to make smart moves and your aiming skills to be good at this game.

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“Valorant” gameplay

Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter where teamwork, strategy, and accurate shooting are paramount. You play as unique characters called agents, each with special abilities, and join a team of five players, with attackers pitted against defenders. Agents’ abilities require charges and can be upgraded through kills, deaths, orbs, or targets. Rounds start with a basic pistol, and you can earn in-game money to buy better weapons based on your performance. There are a variety of guns, each with unique shooting modes that require skill. There are 22 different agents to choose from, and you can start with 5 unlocked agents and unlock more using an in-game currency called Kingdom Points, which can be earned by playing the game or completing missions . These points can also be spent on cosmetic items within each agent contract, making Valorant gameplay a dynamic blend of strategy and precision.

“Brave” trailer

Overview of “Contract Without Fear”


Riot Games


Riot Games


beluga whale


Jesse Harlin


Unreal Engine 4




June 2, 2020


Hero shooting games, tactical shooting games


multiplayer game

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