These 4 Actors Were Supposed To Be Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Replacement In The Terminator Franchise – Why They Didn’t Work

Each Terminator movie from T2 He has tried to present a new actor as the face of the franchise, but, as expected, no one has been able to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger. When he was presented as the villain in the first film, Schwarzenegger was just a promising actor who made his name in Hollywood. When James Cameron directed the sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment DaySchwarzenegger was the world’s largest film star, sitting comfortably at the top of the A. his T-800 list was rescheduled to be a hero and solidified his place as the star of the franchise.

But since then, the Terminator The films have made useless attempts to replace Schwarzenegger and pass the cane to a new main star. Around the time of Terminator 3: Machine RiseSchwarzenegger’s political career doubts his future with the franchise. In that film and in all who followed, the filmmakers presented a new character that could inherit the role of the star of the Schwarzenegger franchise One reason or, for one reason or another, everyone could not successfully replace the Austrian oak.

4 Nick Stahl

Nick Stahl as John Connor in Terminator 3

Terminator 3: Machine Rise a decade of the events of T2. Sarah Connor was killed outside the screen by a terminal disease and her son now cultivated John is living outside the network, a paranoid that she is still being hunted by stepping on Skynet’s feet of the future, despite having destroyed the Cyberdyne systems . Nick Stahl replaced Edward Furlong in John’s role as he changed again with an T-800 and embarked on another action full of action to close Skynet. Terminator 3 It ended with the revelation that Skynet’s emergence and the nuclear holocaust are inevitable.

The end of Terminator 3 Establishing a new series of films that would follow Stahl’s John in the post-apocalyptic future while gathering the strength of resistance and launched a war against machines. Terminator 3 He received generally positive reviews from critics and made a decent tour at the box office, but it was not a resounding success in the way in which T2 It was, and the public really didn’t take John de Stahl. Yeah Terminator 3 It had been a greater success, Stahl would have become the new face of the franchise. But he lacked Furlong’s charism and the presence on the Schwarzenegger screen.

3 Bale Christian

Christian Bale with their mouth agape as John Connor in Terminator Salvation.

Warner Bros. passed with your plan to continue Terminator 3 With a fourth film set during the futuristic war between machines and human resistance. But from Terminator 3 It was not a great success, Terminator salvation He was reorganized as a soft restart in his place. Stahl was replaced by Christian Bale, who played an older and more gray as the resistance leader. Yeah Salvation It had been a greater success, Bale would have replaced Schwarzenegger as the face of the franchise, especially because he was still playing Batman at that time, which means that his stellar power was at his highest point.

But Terminator salvation He received mixed to negative reviews. While Bale’s performance was praised, the film script was criticized by a very generic story that recycles the tropes of other science fiction thrillers and post-apocalyptic movies, and MCG’s mechanical direction was criticized for lacking the heart of the heart of The previous films. He did not help John de Bale not really the focus of the film; It is shown as a mythical figure through Marcus’s eyes, a human terminator hybrid played by Sam Worthington, so the audience really did not have the opportunity to connect with him.

2 Emilia Clarke

Sarah in a driver's seat holding a gun at Terminator Genisys

The next attempt to revitalize the Terminator franchise, Genisys Terminatorintroduced two possible replacements for Schwarzenegger: Emilia Clarke, in the apogee of game of Thrones‘The popularity was chosen as Sarah Connor, and Jai Courtney, who was receiving a great impulse as an action star after playing John McClane’s son, was chosen as Kyle Reese. Genisys Terminator remixes Terminator timeline, offering a assembly of the best classic blows Terminator Moments, while making radical changes, such as giving Skynet a human body and revealing that Sarah was raised by a benevolent T-800 nicknamed “pops.”

While Courtney has never really had the skills to be an action star, Clarke could have been a great Sarah. Unfortunately, Genisys Terminator He was widely criticized for critics for his meaningless and retreating narrative. The reviews for Terminator 3 and Salvation Universal praise seems compared to Geniso. Nor did he help Schwarzenegger returned to this and stole the show, so it was difficult to take any of his replacements seriously.

1 Mackenzie Davis

Mackenzie Davis holding a gun at Terminator Dark Fate

After the abysmal fault of Genisys TerminatorCameron himself returned to the franchise to co -written the story for another soft restart, Terminator: Dark destination. Dark destination ignore all the films that came later T2 And it presupposes that the destruction of Cyberdyne, in fact, avoided Skynet’s emergence. But it really doesn’t matter, because a different evil army called Legion simply rose in its place. Dark destination He brought back to Schwarzenegger as Terminator called Carl and Linda Hamilton as an older Sarah, even more rude.

One more time, Dark destination He introduced some new stars to drink Schwarzenegger’s cane: Natalia Reyes as future resistance leader Dani Ramos and Mackenzie Davis as Super Soldier Grace. As a superpode protector, Davis was supposed to be the new Schwarzenegger. Davis was incredible in this role, but Dark destination It was another critical and commercial disappointment, and another sign that no one can replace Schwarzenegger as the face of the Terminator franchise.

Film Film (1984) poster


The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation (2009), Terminator Genisys (2015), Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Created by James Cameron, Gale Anne Anne Hurd First Film The Terminator Last film Terminator: Dark Fate First TV Show Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


The Terminator franchise is a milestone in science fiction, which presents a battle between humanity and artificially intelligent machines directed by Skynet. The story revolves mainly around the Terminator robots, particularly the T-800 model, and the resistance directed by John Connor. The series explores destination issues, artificial intelligence and moral implications of technological advancement.


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