Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics, developed and published by Riot Games, is an auto battler game set in the League of Legends universe. It first launched as a game mode within League of Legends for Windows and macOS in June 2019. Later, in March 2020, it became a standalone game available on Android and iOS platforms. In TFT, players compete against seven others by assembling and managing teams to outlast opponents in online battles.
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The game falls into the auto battler genre and offers multiplayer gameplay, allowing cross-platform compatibility across Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices.NEWSTARS Education’s games article is your source for gaming news and updates. Stay informed about game releases, patches, and industry trends to make the most of your gaming experience.
You are watching: Teamfight Tactics 13.24b Patch Notes: New Changes and Improvements
Teamfight Tactics 13.24b Patch Notes
Teamfight Tactics 13.24 was released on Wednesday, December 13, referred to as the 13.24b-patch or simply Patch 13.25, introduced several modifications. Primarily, it adjusted the probabilities of rolling headliner odds on Level 9 and made some augment, trait, and champion alterations. This update aimed to refine gameplay and strategy, providing players with a more balanced and engaging experience.we have given some points from that patch as mid-patch for full Patch read from the official website by following the link in the below tweet
Hitting Level 9 should be typical when you’ve got your econ dialed, which is why we don’t want Level 9 to guarantee you a 5-cost Headliner. Instead we want it to feel like it’s where you get 4-cost Headliners, and, similar to when you hit a 5-cost at Level 7, it feels like a high-roll when you hit a 5-cost Legendary, so much so that you may adapt your comp just to fit it in. We’re going to test out how these new odds feel, and it’s possible we go to 0% 5-cost Headliners at Level 9 if needed.
- Headliner odds at Level 9: 0/0/0/90/10 ⇒ 0/0/0/98/2
Whether it’s as impactful as making 5 Spellweaver a significant jump from 3, or just nudging 6 Bruiser by 5% bonus HP, we’ve gone through and buffed all the traits that have struggled to find their place in our first two patches.
As our hardest trait, with two uncraftable Emblems and a Headliner being required, Spellweaver 10 must be the most powerful trait—which is why we’re adding another 80 AP for each of your Spellweavers.
- Big Shot Base AD: 10/15/25% ⇒ 10/18/30%
- Bruiser bonus HP: 20/45/85% ⇒ 20/45/90%
- EDM base Ability effectiveness: 80/90/100/120% ⇒ 80/100/110/125%
- EDM Jax frequency Timer: 8 ⇒ 7 sec
- EDM Zed frequency Timer: 7 ⇒ 6 sec
- Mosher Base AS: 20/30/50% ⇒ 20/40/60%
- Rapidfire AS Per Stack: 4/7/12% ⇒ 4/8/14%
- Spellweaver AP Per Cast: 1/1/2/10 ⇒ 1/2/3/10
- Spellweaver 10 Base AP: 120 ⇒ 200
With her stun and sunder being somewhat unreliable, Vi’s been more of a crowd-pleaser than a crowd-controller. So while we’re not going to increase the reliability of that CC, we are giving her more opportunities to swing those fists with a lowered max mana and increased survivability.
Even though True Damage has climbed the charts, Yasuo has remained a reroll carry that has yet to carry. We’re giving him more survivability and a better AD ratio so you can stack more effectively early, and utilize those stacks better in the late game.
- Vi Mana buff: 40/80 ⇒ 40/70
- Vi Armor & MR: 40 ⇒ 45
- Yasuo HP: 600 ⇒ 650
- Yasuo Spell AD ratio: 290% ⇒ 300%
A few community guides to playing frontline Twitch (with healing items and Titan’s Resolve) have utilized his scaling with both AD and AP, as well as his durability from Punk. While we’re not convinced that’s the best way to play Twitch, we want to lean into it more by making Twitch a bit more durable via resistances which increase the effectiveness of HP shields from Guardian and Omnivamp.
So go ahead and run the most musophobic (fear of rats) comp we have to offer and slam that BT on your frontliner with a 4-hex range.
- Gragas Boogie Hour Damage: 150/225/350 ⇒ 160/240/360
- Kayle Fires of Ascension On Hit Damage: 30/45/70 ⇒ 35/50/75
- Kayle Fires of Ascension Finale Damage: 190/285/430 ⇒ 210/315/475
- Twitch Armor & MR: 20 ⇒ 25
- Twitch Bottled Anarchy AD ratio: 200% ⇒ 225%
With a better AD ratio on Poppy’s ability, note that you’ll still want to itemize Health stats to take advantage of her AD increase from bonus Health. And if you want to make this sad Yordle even happier, remember that Sterak’s Gage is her favorite!
- Poppy Hammer Time AD ratio: 240/240/500% ⇒ 260/260/525%
- Zac HP: 1000 ⇒ 1100
- Zac Mana buff: 60/160 ⇒ 60/130
Sona’s Attack Speed form has proven the no-brainer click, but this Mixmaster is ready to mix things up, so be sure to try her other tracks as well!
- Sona Ethereal (AS Form) On Hit MagicDamage: 90/135/777 ⇒ 75/115/777
It’s all buffs. Except for you Qiyana…sorry sis.
- Nami: 20 AP ⇒ 25 AP
- Olaf: 75 HP, 10 Armor & MR ⇒ 150 HP, 10 Armor & MR
- Vi: 150 HP, 10% AD ⇒ 150 HP, 20% AD
- Gragas: 15% Damage, 8% DR ⇒ 15% Damage, 10% DR
- Pantheon: 200 HP, 20 Armor & MR ⇒ 250 HP 20 Armor & MR
- Riven: 100 HP, 10 AD 10 Armor & MR ⇒ 200 HP 10 AD 10 Armor & MR
- Blitzcrank: 150 HP & Passive damage always on ⇒ 200 HP & Passive damage always on
- Poppy: 150 HP, 10 AD ⇒ 200 HP, 15 AD
- Thresh: 100 HP, 25 Mana Reduction ⇒ 250 HP, 25 Mana Reduction
- Qiyana: 5% AD & 5% per copy ⇒ 5% AD & 2% per copy
- Ziggs: 5 AP & 5 Mana Reduction ⇒ 5 AP & 15 Mana Reduction
We’re opening up Blue Buff as a more versatile item by giving it a small amount of AD. You should expect this to be a much better option for champions like Kai’Sa, Jhin, and Ezreal. This alongside a small nerf to Spear of Shojin should keep these items closer in power and make you think about building each item based on the champion’s mana pool, or your access to Attack Speed, rather than just because one is better than the other.
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Our nerf to Blue Buff’s damage amplification is to compensate for fixing a bug where it was not correctly applied.
Remix Rumble has seen Runaan’s Hurricane downgraded to a tropical storm. With a bit more AD, maybe you’ll think twice about forgetting your Runaan’s Umbrella.
- Blue Buff now also grants 20% AD
- Blue Buff Damage amplification on takedown: 15% ⇒ 10%
- Blue Blessing (Radiant Blue Buff) now also grants 60% AD
- Blue Blessing (Radiant Blue Buff) Damage amplification on takedown: 25% ⇒ 20%
- Gargoyle Stoneplate base Armor & MR: 30 ⇒ 35
- Red Buff base AS: 45% ⇒ 40%
- Runaan’s Hurricane base AD: 20% ⇒ 25%
- Spear of Shojin base AD & AP: 25 ⇒ 20
They’re Training Dummies, not tanking Dummies. Training Dummies are providing too much free frontline, especially in the later levels where their increase in Health (as they star-up) is amplified even more by their high resistances. This change impacts all Training Dummies (including Portals).
While this patch is full of buffs, we do have a few Augment nerfs targeted at the general combat Augment outliers (Three’s a Crowd, Inspiring Epitaph, Little Buddies, Vampirism), but also our True Damage trait-linked Augment, Blinged Out. The HP that these Augments provide has proven to be too useful in the current set due to prevalent Health scaling from traits like Guardian, or readily available resistances from things like Sentinel.
Finally, if you watched TVO, you know just how effective Needlessly Big Gem can be on a backline Training Dummy in the early game (where drip econ is especially powerful). We’ve opted to completely disable the ability for Stationary Support II/III to roll a Needlessly Big Gem, but we’re allowing Stationary Support I to still have a chance at generating the item due to the 7 player combat delay on its arrival.
- Training Dummies Base Armor & MR: 40 ⇒ 30
- Cutting Corners XP Reduction: 4 ⇒ 3
- On a Roll Gold: 2 ⇒ 3
- On a Roll Limit per turn: 2 ⇒ 3
- Vampirism I HP per missing 5 HP: 4 ⇒ 2
- Bigger Shot (Big Shot) Explosion AD ratio: 65% ⇒ 75%
- Blinged Out (True Damage) HP Per Item: 100 ⇒ 80
- Inspiring Epitaph Shield: 30% ⇒ 25%
- Little Buddies HP per buddy: 100 ⇒ 90
- Little Buddies AS per buddy: 10% ⇒ 9%
- Low Interest Rates Interest Cap: 2 ⇒ 3
- Stars are Born Gold: 1g ⇒ 5g
- Three’s a Crowd HP per three cost: 85 ⇒ 80
- Too Big to Fail (Bruiser) Explosion HP ratio: 30% ⇒ 40%
- Too Big to Fail (Bruiser)Time before large boom: 20 ⇒ 15 sec
- Stationary Support II/III no longer can roll Needlessly Big Gem
- Blue Buff’s damage amplification properly refreshes on takedown rather than disabling the effect for the round.
- As a reminder, large changes are changes we believe will have an impact on the meta.
8-Bit shipped a bit underpowered, and the grand prize was effectively unattainable unless you were already in a position where you had a 3-star 4-cost already—a position where you were already incredibly likely to get first. We’re giving the trait a nudge that will feel most significant once you’ve beaten a few high scores, while also making the grand prize easier to hit (but still appropriately difficult).
Country, Guardian, and Jazz all released with too much power. Carries for Country comps utilized the bonus AS and Omnivamp to allow itemization in greedier stats (e.g. Crit for Samira) without major drawbacks. Guardian shields provided extended frontliner HP bars that would carry over to carries at times. And Jazz comps were quickly perfected to maximize the power of the trait.
- 8-Bit AD Per Stack: 3.5/6/10% ⇒ 4.5/7.5/12%
- 8-Bit Grand Prize Score: 456789 ⇒ 345678
- Country 3 Attack Speed Bonus: 20% ⇒ 15%
- Country 5 Country Omnivamp Bonus: 20% ⇒ 15%
- Guardian max Health Shield ratio: 30/50/70% ⇒ 25/40/60%
- Jazz max HP Per Trait: 2/3/4% ⇒ 1.5/2/3%
- Jazz bonus Damage Per Trait: 1/2/3% ⇒ 1/1.5/2%
If you were in awe at how strong Kennen and his Headliner version were, you won’t be shocked to find that we’ve nerfed him here. Our best 1-cost should still be high-value with his powerful traits, but expect a little less damage coming from the electric True Damage Superfan.
Even with a good opener, Yasuo struggles to come online and scale into the late game despite being our go-to stacking one cost. A better AD ratio means Yasuo will get more out of the permanent AD he gains upon killing enemy champions. Don’t sleep on an early Yasuo Headliner.
- Kennen Shock and Awe Damage: 160/240/360 ⇒ 145/215/325
- K’Sante max Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/40
- K’Sante Block the Haters AD ratio: 700% ⇒ 800%
- Yasuo Synthesizer Strike AD ratio: 275% ⇒ 290%
Yone has struggled to manage a pop band on top of three different traits. We’re giving him a lift that’ll be most felt at three stars, opening up the possibility of Yone reroll carry lines alongside his other Edgelord friends (read: Riven). Remember to give Yone defensive items like Adaptive Helm, or Sterak’s Gage to allow him to survive enough to keep stacking and popping off!
- Yone HP: 750 ⇒ 800
- Yone Pop Off AD ratio: 200/200/205% ⇒ 210/210/215%
We’re happy with the power ceiling of our four costs, but the floor is too low. We’re taking a very light pass on lifting the weakest 4-costs here.
- Akali (True Damage) AS: 0.85 ⇒ 0.9
- Akali (True Damage) Three Point Strike AD ratio: 250/250/500% ⇒ 275/275/550%
- Caitlyn Champ Hunt AD ratio: 375/375/750% ⇒ 390/390/800%
- Ezreal AS: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85
- Ezreal Crash the Party small shots (1st and 2nd cast) AD ratio: 330/330/660% ⇒ 350/350/700%
- Viego Riff of the Ruined King Slam AD ratio: 150/150/300% ⇒ 200/200/400%
- Zed Shadow Dance shadow clone AD ratio: 175/175/350% ⇒ 185/185/370%
Ziggs is the one-yordle-size-fits-all-comps carry that can utilize just about any item to add a destructive source of damage and MR shred. He’s even good in AD comps to give his allies the Hyperpop AS bonus.
- Kayn AS: 0.85 ⇒ 0.95
- Kayn Fear the Reaper Damage: 380/575/4000 ⇒ 400/600/4000
- Ziggs Mana nerf: 30/70 ⇒ 30/75
- Ziggs Chaos Theory extra small bombs per cast: 2 ⇒ 1
We’ve got nerfs to our five best performing Headliners, a compensation nerf to Sett whose Headliner effect wasn’t functioning properly before this patch, and one buff for a Headliner that just wasn’t making the headlines—sorry Zac.
- Kennen: 75 HP 4% Max HP Heal ⇒ 75 HP 2% Max HP Heal
- Bard: Doot Damage: 95/140/215 ⇒ 85/125/190
- Katarina: 200 HP 45% Bounce Damage ⇒ 150 HP 25% Bonus Damage
- Miss Fortune: 25% AD ⇒ 20% AD
- Samira: 15% AD 10% Crit ⇒ 5% AD 10% Crit
- Sett: 250 HP ⇒ 150 HP
- Zac: 150 HP 10 AP ⇒ 200 HP 15 AP
- Ziggs: 5 AP 10 Mana Reduction ⇒ 5 AP 5 Mana Reduction
If you were thinking Good For Something I was just too good for anything, well, you were right. The drop chance for gold was bugged resulting in more econ power than intended.Trait-based Augments were both our most overperforming and underperforming Augments of the release. That’s Jazz Baby took the cake like Amumu at the Remix Rumble. as one of the most powerful Augments of the set, while Edgelord, Rapidfire, and Mosher Augments embodied their Emo brethren in emotion only.
With new play styles and strategies, our most playstyle-altering Augments were in need of an update. Endless Hordes was lifted by Jazz that took advantage of the extra units to add even more traits, while Infernal Contract keeping players at Level 7 ended up being much weaker than past sets due to Remix Rumble’s leveling & XP changes.
- Bigger Shot (Big Shot) (Bugfix) no longer does more damage than intended to the primary target.
- Good For Something I (Bugfix): Now correctly has a 30% drop chance instead of 50%.
- Reach the Summit when you reach Level 9: gain 50 XP ⇒ gain 10 gold and 50 XP
- Young Wild & Free (Bugfix): Now correctly drops gold. Lowered to 2 gold from 3 gold
- Live for Danger (Edgelord) Bonus Damage: 30% ⇒ 40%
- Ramping Rhythm (Rapidfire) now starts Rapidfire champs at 3 stacks immediately
- Submit to the Pit (Mosher) Armor, MR, AD, AP, AS: 3 ⇒ 5
- That’s Jazz Baby (Jazz) HP Per Stack: 40 ⇒ 20
- That’s Jazz Baby (Jazz) AS Per Stack: 3% ⇒ 2%
- Binary Airdrop: Grants a component ⇒ Grants 2 gold
- Endless Hordes max HP Reduction: 15% ⇒ 20%
- Going Long now additionally grants 8 gold immediately
- Infernal Contract Gold: 75g ⇒ 90g
- Blank Slate disabled from appearing at 4-2
- This section is for changes that we don’t see drastically impacting the meta.
But have you tried Bruiser 3 yet Mortdog
- Bruiser max HP: 20/40/80% ⇒ 20/45/85%
- Crowd Diver Bonus Damage: 5/30/70% ⇒ 5/30/60%
- Executioner Critical Strike Damage: 15/30/45% ⇒ 5/25/45%
3-star Ahri is our worst performing 3-star 4-cost. Part of this is due to her single target focus, where she dramatically overkills enemies with her second cast, making the ridiculous amount of damage ridiculously useless. We’re shifting her spell at 3-stars so she can fire an additional projectile per cast, allowing her to work through the enemy board faster, while still killing her foe with a 1440% AP ratio on the empowered cast.
- Annie Superfan Item: Spear of Shojin ⇒ Jeweled Gauntlet
- Ahri 3-star now fires 2 projectiles per ability cast.
- Ahri POP/STAR Damage: 275/410/1500% AP ⇒ 275/410/820% AP
- Ahri POP/STAR empowered Damage: 480/720/2400% AP ⇒ 480/720/1440% AP
- Sona The Drop (Ethereal) (The red one that gives AS) no longer grants its AS buff to Yorick’s small ghouls. The big Ghoul still benefits from the buff (electronic music appreciator confirmed).
Pop, Locke, and Tabula Rasa, as the kids aren’t saying.
- Blank Slate tooltip now states that the free rerolls are only for this round
- Contagion tooltip now states that its effect also spreads on death
We’ve added three additional combats to Stage 10 to delay the extreme player damage increase of Stage 11 that could often cut games even shorter than intended.
- Stage 10 now has three additional PvP combat rounds.
- 8-Bit Grand Prize Score: 234567 ⇒ 199999
- Tentwotacles: Fixed an issue where sometimes Illaoi would revive two tentacles with her cast instead of one
- Good for Something I now correctly has a 30% chance to drop gold, down from 50%.
- Too big: Bigger Shot no longer does more damage than intended to the primary target.
- Teaming Up I correctly grants 2 3-cost units.
- Putting the Star in Pop Star: Akali properly combines when your bench is full
- The Showtime Portal is now available in Hyper Roll
- The Radiant Item Portal now displays the correct round in its tooltip in Hyper Roll
- Gambler’s Blade & Diamond Hands are now properly in the Artifact pool and are affected by Pandora’s Items
- Qiyana can no longer give units invisible 4th items
- Your KDA pattern no longer changes after triggering Last Stand
- Buddy approved: Augment Little Buddies now works with True Damage Akali
- Wellness Fund, Risky Moves and Tiniest Titan+ have been removed from the Double Up Augment pool
- Gambler’s Blade now works correctly in Hyper Roll, and uses the Hyper Roll modified values.
- Using an Item Remover on a champion without enough empty item bench slots will now correctly bounce off, rather than removing as many items as possible.
- Headliner Sett’s permanent health gain now functions correctly
- Schrodinger’s poro: Poros on Poro-Ranger HQ no longer disappear when zooming in
- Health Bar no longer blocks Chibi Kai’Sa when performing CTRL+2 and CTRL+4
- For all Prancies, Angry Mark VFX for CTRL + 2 no longer clips into head
- Unneeded literacy: Augment Blank Slate should no longer sell a Tome of Traits on the bench
- Augment Submit to the Pit now only correctly applies benefits to Moshers
- Augment Blinged Out now grants full benefits for Thieves’ Gloves
- Golmancer’s Staff no longer triggers more than intended
Teamfight Tactics Gameplay
In Teamfight Tactics (TFT), eight players create teams to battle and be the last one standing on a hexagon-based battlefield. They position units strategically for automatic battles between rounds, facing either other players or computer-controlled foes who drop rewards upon defeat. The game unfolds in stages, each comprising seven rounds except for the initial stage with three.
A special round called the “Carousel” on the fourth round of each stage allows players to select units and items strategically. Gold accumulation allows for interest-building and unit purchases while leveling up increases board capacity and access to rarer units. Upgrading units strengthens them, and items enhance their abilities and stats. Synergies activate with specific unit combinations, granting diverse advantages.
Augments modify gameplay with buffs, supplies, or rule changes, periodically updating the game’s unit roster to address issues and maintain balance.
Teamfight Tactics Game Trailer
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