Supernatural: The 10 Best Tie-In Books To The Series

During the impressive 15 year journey of Supernatural, a total of 23 tie-in novels were written and published between 2007 and 2019. Many of the novels tell episodic standalone stories of brothers Sam and Dean Winchester as they travel across the country America and solve a series of mystical mysteries. Some are even such iconic crossovers and inclusions Supernatural characters like Bobby, Castiel and others.

Most memorable Supernatural tie-in books tend to boast an original premise, scary story, creepy settings, bizarre and terrifying monsters, and most importantly, the unbreakable bond between the two. cool brothers.

Nevermore (Keith RA DeCandido)

As the first tie-in novel was written in 2007, it’s no surprise that more attempts were made. never again as wonderful as possible. Indeed, the story follows Sam and Dean to New York, where they must uncover the harrowing mystery of a haunted rock star’s house, where a banshee in her heavy metal outfit The ’80s are going crazy.

In addition to the allure of sex, drugs and a rock-n-roll backdrop, the story also takes a major turn when the brothers’ investigation is quickly interrupted by a bloody murder on the street, turns out to be the cruel actions of a serial killer inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Scary, unpredictable and a great way to start a memorable memory Supernatural kind of monster novel of the week.

The Skeleton Key (Keith RA DeCandido)

Sam gets his neck lifted up by a woman in Supernatural

Bone key finds Sam and Dean in sunny and stormy Key West, Florida, where the organizer of a lucrative ghost tour is found dead, stone-faced amid screams. To discover exactly what the homeowner saw that scared him to death, Sam and Dean encounter a horde of demonic vampires.

Stuck on a tropical island like a camping and splendor Scooby-Doo episode, the two brothers can’t hide from the town’s scariest and creepiest supernatural spirits out for revenge. With an unpredictable plot involving Bobby, a breezy sunny setting the show rarely features, and loads of spooky fun to be had on vampire tours, Bone key It’s hard to beat.

Witch Canyon (Jeff Mariotte)

Sam and Dean pose in a post for a Supernatural promotional image

IN Witch Canyon, Sam and Dean travel to the Grand Canyon to stalk a desolate land beset by decades of gruesome murder. With the attacker unknown, Sam and Dean try to find answers before the residents of a major shopping mall opening become unexpected targets of a murderous scourge.

Besides the humor Supernatural The characters and mall setting are tried and true for a horror story that never fails to provide endless entertainment, the story serves as a direct sequel to never againprovides the connective tissue between the two stories, giving the novel a more cohesive setting that engages the reader more than a simple standalone story.

A Year Has Passed (Rebecca Desserts)

Sam looked up at Supernatural in horror

In one of the few books that deals with the deliberate separation of brothers, A Year Has Passed Imagine when Dean believes Sam is living in Hell. Trying to live a normal life with Ben and Lisa, Dean gets a chance to rescue Sam from evil when he discovers a spell in the Necronomicon.

The dramatic conflict as Dean works tirelessly to rescue Sam is a reminder of the deep brotherly bond the two share and how much fans care about their mutual happiness. Bringing the story back to Salem, Massachusetts also provides a sinister backstory that reinforces the existing narrative about the overall strangeness of terrorism.

Night Terrors (John Passarella)

Sam and Dean talk to a waitress on Supernatural

The sheer iconography and imaginative spookiness of Night terror that alone makes it a better one Supernatural attached booklet. When Bobby sends Sam and Dean to investigate a series of paranormal activity in snow-covered Colorado, they encounter nightmarish evils including a speeding driverless car, a Gila monster giant attacks a homeless man and a young boy chased by uprooted trees from behind. ground.

As the title suggests, the story takes place almost entirely at night, where the stygian gloom is so evident that the darkness almost behaves like its own character. Most importantly, the story feels right in line with the good old days of Supernatural, where old-fashioned horror stories prevailed over the religious war between heaven and hell.

Coyote’s Kiss (Christa Faust)

Sam, Dean and the gang use flashlights in prison on Supernatural

In one of the most gruesome and disturbing environments in all of the tie-in books, Wolf kiss imagines Sam and Dean on the Mexican border, where they meet Xochi Cazadora, a terrifying supernatural biker and an Aztec god who presides over a series of mutilating monsters.

The vivid settings of the borderlands and Mexico City are unlike anything seen or read about Supernatural, addresses prominent topics such as illegal immigration, the failed war on drugs, brutal gang violence, and how all of these issues are tied to the country’s complicated past. Seeing Sam and Dean outside of their comfort zone adds to the tension, suspense, and general sense of unease.

Fresh Meat (Alice Henderson)

A Wendigo with a hole in its chest in Supernatural

A good old-fashioned zombie attack that occurs in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is the subject of Fresh meat, a terrifying literal and figurative chiller, puts Sam and Dean on a dangerous path. The blizzard views of Tahoe National Forest are stunning, made even more memorable when flesh-hungry corpses begin to rise from their graves in search of fresh food.

While stalking zombies is one thing, the story becomes more bizarre when a mysterious flying creature (wendigo) begins hunting campers in the area before taking human form and doing whatever it takes to survive. With a blizzard blowing down on the boys, Fresh meat freezing.

Carved into flesh (Tim Waggoner)

Dean points the gun at Supernatural

While many related books deal with animal attacks, hellhounds, werewolves and the like, Carved into meat takes the surprising premise into new territory through the Franken-Mutt subplot. Sam and Dean are summoned to Ohio to examine a series of hellhound sightings, only to discover that the killer dog is actually a zombie dog composed of body parts from multiple animals. dog died.

When Franken-Mutt begins terrorizing the town of Brennan, Sam and Dean become embroiled in a truly riveting controversy involving disgusting medical experiments, unethical biotech companies, and a Ancient energies in the town have the ability to summon the dead.

Dragon Heart (Keith RA DeCandido)

Sam and Dean talk to Castiel in the house on Supernatural

The best related book about the ever-curious Castiel is Dragon’s heart, a story that is sparked when a traitorous angel sends Sam and Dean to San Francisco’s Chinatown to solve a series of extremely bloody murders. When the brothers realize that they are facing the ancient Dragon Heart curse that their father John suffered decades ago, a great opportunity for redemption opens up.

In addition to the vibrant Chinatown, the story presents fascinating Chinese mythology while also exploring Winchester’s complicated past. The culture clash is exhilarating, but it’s the pivotal storyline that sees Sam and Dean honoring the legacy of Campbell’s father and grandfather that gives the story its emotional resonance.

Children of Anubis (Tim Waggoner)

A man turns into a werewolf in a mirror in Supernatural

Children of Anubis is the most worrying thing Supernatural The book involves werewolves and hellhounds. Sam and Dean are sent to Indiana to investigate a similar murder committed by a werewolf. However, the boys discover a ferocious, man-eating jackal that loathes werewolves and wages an all-out war for canine dominance.

If the deadly dog-fighting action isn’t exciting enough, Sam and Dean will soon learn that the ancient god Anubis presides over the beast’s battle for his own power and must end Anubis’s awakening first. when it’s too late. All said, Children of Anubis combines the creature’s signature tenets with ancient mythology to synthesize a truly sinister tale.

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