Remnant 2
“Remnant 2” is a third-person shooter action RPG developed by Gunfire Games and published by Gearbox Publishing. Released in July 2023 for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S, the game builds upon its predecessor, “Remnant: From the Ashes.” Drawing inspiration from the Soulslike genre, players engage in dynamic combat using up to two guns and a melee weapon.
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The introduction of character archetypes, like the firearm-focused Gunslinger or the Handler with a combat dog companion, adds depth to gameplay. Procedural generation is a central feature, extending beyond levels to include enemy types, aesthetics, characters, and quests.
You are watching: Remnant 2’s New Patch Notes, Class Buffs, Weapon Nerfs
This dynamic system bolsters replayability and variety. Supporting both solo and cooperative multiplayer modes, “Remnant 2” immerses players in a quest to stop the nefarious plant species, “The Root,” in a multiverse-spanning narrative. Garnering positive reviews and sales success, the game has exceeded expectations, selling over a million copies in its first week and becoming a standout addition to the Soulslike and action RPG genres.
Remnant 2’s New Patch Notes
Performance and Crashes
- Initial optimizations to improve overall performance.
- Updates to improve hitching and potential crashes.
- Fixed multiple reported crash bugs.
- High detail shadows have been moved to a separate option and can be enabled in the options on PC.
Quality of Life
QOL OVERVIEW: While we still have quite a few things we are working on regarding Traits and long-term grinding (for those that wish to partake), we wanted to make a few changes in this patch to ensure players had more freedom to experiment. Players should find it much easier to Respec and they should also end up with more Scrap overall. We aren’t done here by any means, and these are not the larger changes we’ve mentioned on Discord and Reddit, but in the short term, they should help to ease the burden of reconfiguring your build and experimenting with different options.
- Increased Trait Cap by +5.
- Tome of Knowledge now grants Scrap and EXP when the player has reached Trait Cap.
- Orb of Undoing now has unlimited uses. Players can sell any extras for Scrap.
- Removed the Trait Requirement for equipping a second Archetype. Players may now slot their second Archetype as soon as they obtain / convert another Engram at Wallace.
- Removed the Scrap Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (1000 to 0).
- Lowered the Lumenite Cost for converting a Mysterious Item into an Engram (10 to 5).
- Slightly Increased Scrap Gain from Breakables.
- Increased Scrap Gain from Regular and Rare Chests.
- Increased Scrap Gain when killing Aberrations.
- Reduced the cost of Bloodroot.
Explorer Archetype
- Increased the duration of Explorer’s Scavenger Buff per pickup from 15s to 20s.
- Increased the duration of Explorer’s Gold Digger Buffs from 15s to 20s.
- Increased the healing amount of Gold Digger Healing Fountain from 1.5 to 2.0 HP per second.
DEV NOTE: We wanted to make sure Explorer could maintain Scavenger longer between fights and give them more freedom while Gold Digger Fountains were active. We increased the durations by 5s each and boosted the Healing Fountain to be more enticing.
Archon Archetype
- Increased Archon Havoc Form Lighting Hands damage from 28 to 56.
- Increased Archon Havoc Form Blink damage from 100 to 150.
- Reduced Archon Havoc Form Cooldown from 120s to 90s.
DEV NOTE: These changes are in response to bug fix that allowed Havoc Form Lighting Hands to deal ridiculous damage. We made some overall adjustments to compensate.
Challenger Archetype
- Adjusted the damage falloff for Challenger’s Close Quarters perk. At maximum range, Challenger will always maintain a 10% damage bonus to All Damage.
Handler Archetype
- Increased the Handler’s Pack Hunter Range from 25m to 40m.
- Increased the Base Max Health of Handler’s Very Good Boy Companion.
Summoner Archetype
- Increased the Base Max Health of Summoner’s Hollow and Flyer Variants.
- Switched Aphelion scaling to Boss/Special Damage Scaling instead of Standard.
- Increased the Fire Damage for Shatterstar (Savior Mod).
- Reduced the Fire Rate on Nightfall in Standard and Dreadwalker Fire Modes.
DEV NOTE: Nightfall was dealing far more damage than other weapons in both modes (almost 20% more w/ Dreadwalker active compared to other guns with their Mod active). When considering damage and the Mod ability (harder to hit, life siphon, and fire rate), it was pushing Nightfall too far above every other Long Gun. It now sits closer in line with other high-damage weapons.
- Reduced the AOE Burst Damage of Enigma’s Overload Application from 40 to 30.
- Reduced the Subsequent Tether Damage of Enigma Primary Fire from 75% to 65%.
- Reduced the Magazine Capacity of Enigma from 30 to 25.
- Increased the total Reserve Capacity of Enigma from 120 to 125.
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DEV NOTE: Enigma was performing too far above our goal for AOE clear, so a few adjustments were made. There is still an issue with it ignoring Armor which will be addressed in the future. However, when that happens, we will reevaluate the numbers.
- Reduced damage on Nightweaver’s grab attacks (Wall and Lunge).
- Adjusted the hitbox of Magister Dullain’s tongue attack to better match the visuals.
- Reduced incoming damage in Multiplayer from 25% per additional player to 15% per player.
Bug Fixes
Progression & Rewards
- Fixed multiple reported crash bugs and instability issues.
- Progression Blocker: Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the tutorial if a crash happened when interacting with Ford.
- Progression Blocker: Fixed infinite loading screen issue present for some players when selecting “Skip Tutorial” on character creation screen.
- Progression Blocker: Fixed an issue with Plasma Cutter preventing the Final Boss from transitioning into its second phase.
- Progression Blocker: Fixed Tal’Ratha boss fight lockout if game was exited during cutscene dialogue.
- Progression Blocker: Fixed the Astropath boss fight failing to start if game was exited during cutscenes.
- Progression Blocker: Addressed issue with Trait points going negative. Negative Trait points have been flipped to positive. This will also fix issues with the Second Archetype being locked out. If players are still encountering negative trait points, picking up an additional trait point will flip negative to positive.
- Addressed issue with players not receiving achievements in multiplayer games.
DEV NOTE: This will not retroactively reward ones that should have been previously unlocked. In future patches we will look into attempting to retroactively award as many as we can, however some will likely not be able to be awarded this way and will need to be reacquired.
- Players who completed Oracle’s quilt will now receive Half Quilt award as well as Full Quit Reward if they had not previously received it.
- Fixed an issue where scripted deaths from the Bone Harvester, Empress Guards, and Red Prince caused actual deaths and ended Hardcore runs.
- Fixed an issue with Weapons not unlocking after a Hardcore playthrough.
DEV NOTE: Unfortunately, hardcore awards will not be retroactively awarded for previous completions of Hardcore mode.
- Fixed an issue with Weapons not unlocking after completing playthroughs at different difficulties.
DEV NOTE: Unfortunately, difficulty-based rewards will not be retroactively awarded for previous completions of the game.
- Players who listened to all Mudtooth’s stories but did not receive all of the rewards can visit Mudtooth to receive their rewards. Players who did not receive the Iron Cylinder (Gunslinger’s Engram) from listening to all his stories will now find it in his store.
- Fixed an issue preventing Explorer and Archon Armor from appearing on the vendor. Players will need to first convert the appropriate Mysterious Item into an Engram at Wally.
- Fixed an issue preventing Mudtooth’s Elixir from appearing in his inventory. After completing the game, players will need to first unlock Explorer (Golden Compass) at Wallace.
- Fixed issues where Clementine would stand in random locations in Ward 13 after the cutscene in Blackened Citadel.
- Fix for Achievement when meeting the Flautist if co-op player was spectating at the time where the Flautist was met.
- Fixed an issue preventing Revivalist Trait from being awarded. It should now be rewarded after reviving another player 15x.
- Fixed an issue with Archon’s Havoc Form Lighting Hands. Casting Speed now properly ramps up the Lighting Hand without going infinite.
- Fixed an issue causing Hunter’s Focus not granting the proper Weakspot Damage Bonus.
- Fixed an issue causing Hunter’s Shroud granting multiplicative damage bonus.
- Fixed an issue causing Invader Perk S.H.A.R.K. to not apply its damage bonuses.
- Fixed an issue with Gunslinger’s Bulletstorm Sound not terminating.
- Fixed a bug allowing Male Engineer to ignore falling transition when Overclocking.
Gear / Items
- Fixed VFX alignment for Nebula and Hellfire primary fire.
- Fixed an issue preventing Plasma Cutter from dealing the correct damage type to certain enemies.
- Fixed an issue causing Shieldbreaker Mutator to not grant the correct amount of shield.
- Nightfall Mod visual effects terminate correctly now.
- Fixed an issue allowing Dreamcatcher to trigger Dreamwave before it was properly earned.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Crystal Heart from stacking with itself.
- Fixed an issue causing Ring of Flawed Beauty not granting the proper Weakspot Damage Bonus.
- Fixed issue with Anastasija’s Inspiration causing infinite damage stacking on Summoner’s Minions.
- Fixed an issue preventing some Boss & Special Melee Weapons from receiving proper scaling.
- Fixed an issue preventing Godsplitter from triggering “Was this supposed to happen?” Achievement.
- Fixed an issue allowing Severed Hand to be spawned repeatedly.
- Fixed issue with Primogenitor health bar incorrectly tracking and causing players to become stuck.
- Fixed issue with Root Knight’s puddle projectile dealing damage on hit.
- Fixed issue with Nightweaver projectiles homing in on player incorrectly.
- E.D. Alpha (Aberration) in Tower of the Unseen now respawns after player dies and re-enters the aberration room area.
- Fixed issue with Block Ruin (Labyrinth Enemy) sound effects.
- Fixed issue where players could defeat the Gwendil: The Unburnt without taking any damage by standing on the stairs under the wooden bridge.
- Fixed issue where killing the Many Faces (Corruptor World Boss Golem) when it’s jumping between platforms would cause it to fall off the world in The Great Bole.
Misc Fixes
- Fixed multiple locations on final level where players could get out of bounds of the level.
- Fixed issue with player’s not receiving fall damage by holding throwable consumables or melee weapons in throwing position.
- Fixed collision issue causing players to get trapped along some edges in Morrow Sanatorium.
- Fixed issue when using certain melee weapons, the character’s face distorted.
- Fixed issue where Player could be locked out of Postulants Parlor when application was closed after playing the board game.
- Fixed issue where Player was unable to open door to Sentinel’s Keep when exiting game while inputting the Seeker’s Key in N’Erud.
- Fixed an issue where players were trapped when attempting to vault through a wall in Cotton’s Kiln.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip siege fight in Tiller’s Rest.
- Fixed an issue with players falling into gap between the boat and wall in Tiller’s Rest.
- Fixed floating doors in Cathedral of Omens.
- Fixed an issue in The Great Hall that allowed repeated EXP rewards during Feastmaster’s event.
- Fixed multiple scenarios that allowed players to transition through walls using interactives.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in Throw Animation in certain situations.
- Adjusted the kill volume height in the Custodian Eye arena.
Class Buffs in Remnant 2
- Duration of scavenger buff increased from 15 to 20 per pickup.
- Gold Digger buff duration extended from 15 to 20.
- Gold Digger Healing Fountain’s healing amount raised from 1.5 to 2.0 HP per second.
- Arcane Havoc Form Lightning hand damage boosted from 28 to 56.
- Arcane Havoc Form blink damage amplified from 100 to 150.
- Arcane Havoc Form cooldown reduced from 120 to 90.
- Damage falloff for the Close Quarters perk adjusted.
- Challenger retains a 10% damage bonus on all damage at maximum range.
- Handler Pack Hunter range expanded from 25m to 40m.
- Very Good Boy Companion’s base max health increased.
- Base max health of Hollow and Flyer variants of the Summoner increased.
Weapon Nerfs
The latest patch for Remnant 2 introduced significant adjustments to two powerful weapons in the game, aimed at promoting better balance and enhancing overall gameplay diversity. Here are the key weapon nerfs implemented in the patch:
Nightfall Weapon Nerfs:
Rate of Fire Reduction: Nightfall, a potent long gun obtained by defeating Nightweaver, had its rate of fire reduced in both Standard and Dreadwalker modes.
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Damage Alignment:The original version of Nightfall was dealing considerably higher damage compared to other long guns. This adjustment aimed to bring its damage output more in line with other high-damage options.
Enigma Weapon Nerfs:
AOE Burst Damage Reduction:Enigma, a powerful short-range handgun known for its area-of-effect shock rods, had its AOE burst damage in Overload mode lowered from 40 to 30.
Tether Damage Adjustment:The tether damage caused by the rods from Enigma’s primary fire was decreased from 75% to 65%.
Magazine Size Decrease: Enigma’s magazine size was reduced from 30 to 25 rounds.
Ammo Reserve Increase: The reduction in magazine size was offset by an increase in the weapon’s ammo reserve, capped at 125 rounds.
Future Enigma Balance Plans:
Addressing Armor Bypass: Gunfire Games acknowledged that Enigma’s ability to ignore enemy armor was problematic and planned to address this overpowered trait in a future update through additional balancing measures.
Player Reaction and Impact:
Positive Community Response: Players generally responded positively to the changes, viewing the nerfs as a means to enhance gameplay diversity.
Promotion of Weapon Variety: The adjustments aimed to make other equipment more viable, encouraging players to explore different weapon options rather than relying solely on a select few powerful weapons.
The weapon nerfs in the Remnant 2 patch showcase the developer’s commitment to ensuring a balanced and engaging gameplay experience, while also addressing player feedback and enhancing the overall enjoyment of the game.
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Category: Gaming