Pokemon Masters EX Wiki
Pokémon Masters EX, previously recognized as Pokémon Masters, is a mobile gaming experience accessible on both Android and iOS platforms. Developed and published by DeNA, the game is intricately woven into the vast tapestry of the Pokémon media franchise.
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Its setting unfolds on the imaginative island of Pasio, providing players with the avenue to immerse themselves in battles and form alliances with notable Pokémon Trainers hailing from both the core series games and animated series.
You are watching: Pokemon Masters Tier List, Wiki, Gameplay and More
Commencing its journey as Pokémon Masters in August 2019, the game underwent a transformation in nomenclature to Pokémon Masters EX in August 2020, aligning this shift with the commemoration of its inaugural anniversary.
Under the stewardship of Director Katsuyuki Shiga and Noriaki Murakami, the game’s creative direction flourishes, overseen by producers Yu Sasaki and Tetsuya Iguchi. Design luminaries like Yuichi Kanemori, alongside programmer Kazumitsu Ota, contribute to its architectural finesse.
The artistic touch of Ken Sugimori and the narrative depth cultivated by writers Koichiro Tsuro, Yuka Sugano, and Naoki Muto enrich the experience. The melodic ambiance is conjured by composers Shota Kageyama and Haruki Yamada.
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Anchored within the Pokémon universe, Pokémon Masters EX sets its stage on Android and iOS, since its initial release on August 29, 2019. Falling within the realm of role-playing, it offers both solo adventures and cooperative multiplayer engagements to enthral players.
Pokemon Masters Tier List
Tier |
Pokémon Characters |
TIER 1 |
Ash & Pikachu, Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde, Steven and Deoxys, Lucas & Dialga, Sygna Suit Hilda & Victini, Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma |
TIER 2 |
Lear & Hoopa, Sygna Suit Red & Mega Charizard X, Sygna Suit Erika & Leafeon, Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking, Sygna Suit Ethan & Lugia, Drasna & Dragalge, Sonia & Tsareena, Korrina & Marshadow, Diantha & Keldeo, Sygna Suit Red & Charizard, Diantha & Gardevoir, Elesa (Palentine’s 2023) & Togetic, Hop (Champion) & Zapdos |
TIER 3 |
Emmet & Escavalier, Leon & Eternatus, Leon & Charizard, Cyrus & Palkia, N & Zoroark, Blue & Mega Aerodactyl, Archie & Kyogre, Lillie & Lunala, Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala, Sygna Suit Korrina & Marshadow, May (Anniversary 2022) & Latias, Emma & Crobat |
TIER 4 |
Emmet & Archeops, Raihan & Duraludon, Brendan & Sceptile, Alder & Volcarona, Silver & Ho-Oh, Hugh & Bouffalant, May & Mega Swampert, Giovanni & Mega Mewtwo Y, Cynthia & Mega Garchomp, Marnie (Champion) & Moltres, Giovanni & Mewtwo, Victor & Rillaboom |
TIER 5 |
Steven & Mega Rayquaza, Volkner & Electivire, Leon & Calyrex, Zinnia & Mega Rayquaza, Marnie & Morpeko, Lance & Dragonite, Nessa & Drednaw, Bea & Sirfetch’d, Volkner (New Years’ 2022) & Electivire, Steven (Anniversary 2021) & Rayquaza, Sygna Suit Lysandre & Volcanion, Steven (Special Costume) & Stoutland |
TIER 6 |
Lance & Gyarados, Hala & Crabominable, Marnie & Grimmsnarl, Guzma & Buzzwole, Player & Gyarados (Strike) M, N & Zekrom, Hilbert & Mightyena, Diantha & Mega Gardevoir, Hilda & Mega Diancie, Lucas & Flareon, Lance (New Years’ 2021) & Gyarados, Sygna Suit Wally & Gardevoir |
TIER 7 |
Gloria & Zacian, Blue & Mega Pidgeot, Hilda & Emboar, Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o, Sygna Suit Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo, Elesa & Zebstrika, Allister & Gengar, Selene & Decidueye, Gloria & Inteleon, Kris & Jolteon, Sygna Suit Diantha & Diancie, Sygna Suit May & Blaziken |
TIER 8 |
Barry & Empoleon, Blue & Arcanine, Gladion & Silvally, Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form), Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form), Wally & Mega Gallade, Kris & Feraligatr, Player & Solgaleo, Zinnia & Salamence, Will & Xatu, Wally & Gallade |
TIER 9 |
Burgh & Leavanny, Hau & Raichu (Alola Form), Clair & Kingdra, Gardenia & Roserade, Siebold & Octillery, Sophocles & Golem, Fantina & Mismagius, Morty & Drifblim, Naomi & Sandslash, Lusamine & Pheromosa |
TIER 10 |
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur, Nate & Braviary, Caitlin & Reuniclus, Karen & Umbreon, Guzma & Golisopod, Iris & Haxorus, Flint & Infernape, Siebold & Clawitzer, Korrina & Mega Lucario, Bruno & Machamp |
TIER 11 |
Lyra & Jigglypuff, Ethan & Typhlosion, Candice & Froslass, Mina & Granbull, Molayne & Dugtrio, Hapu & Mudsdale, Pryce & Dewgong, Looker & Croagunk, May & Wailmer, Marnie & Toxicroak |
TIER 12 |
Bugsy & Mega Beedrill, Valerie & Sylveon, Tate & Solrock, Norman & Slaking, Shauntal & Chandelure, Roxie & Scolipede, Marshal & Conkeldurr, Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar, Jessie & Arbok, Roark & Rampardos |
Tier List for Hybrid Sync Pairs
Tier |
Pokémon Characters |
TIER 1 |
Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu, Gloria & Urshifu – Rapid Strike, Steven and Deoxys (Attack Form), Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi, Maxie & Groudon, Cyrus & Darkrai |
TIER 2 |
May & Mega Blaziken, Sygna Suit Cynthia & Giratina, Bianca & Musharna, Sygna Suit Hilbert & Genesect, Marnie & Mega Mawile, May & Mega Latias, Raihan & Flygon, N & Reshiram, Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin, Skyla & Tornadus, N (Anniversary 2021) & Reshiram, Colress & Klinklang, Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon, Winona & Pelipper, Ball Guy & Amoonguss, Sygna Suit Hau & Tapu Koko, Zinnia (Special Costume) & Thievul, Lance & Dragonair |
TIER 3 |
Elesa & Emolga, Grimsley & Bisharp, Ingo & Accelgor, Lucian & Girafarig, Bede & Hatterene, The Masked Royal & Incineroar, Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme), Serena & Delphox, Courtney & Mega Camerupt, Sygna Suit N & Kyurem, Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme), Viola & Surskit |
TIER 4 |
Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur, Ghetsis & Kyurem, Sidney & Mega Absol, Nessa & Eiscue, Serena & Whimsicott, Karen & Mega Houndoom, Volkner & Luxray, Lysandre & Yveltal, Iris & Hydreigon, Bertha & Hippowdon, Serena (Champion) & Greninja, Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur |
TIER 5 |
Steven & Mega Metagross, Rosa & Dewott, Darach & Staraptor, Player & Gyarados (Tech), Dawn & Torterra, Silver & Feraligatr, Misty & Starmie, N & Sigilyph, Mallow & Tsareena, May & Mega Lopunny, Dawn (New Years’ 2023) & Oricorio, Blaine & Ponyta |
TIER 6 |
Skyla & Togekiss, Nanu & Persian, Koga & Crobat, Candice & Abomasnow, Professor Oak & Mew, Plumeria & Salazzle, Lisia & Mega Altaria, Wikstrom & Aegislash (Shield Forme), Whitney & Miltank, Whitney (Holiday 2022) & Sawsbuck, Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur, Lisia (New Years’ 2023) & Rapidash |
TIER 7 |
Acerola & Mimikyu, Brawly & Hariyama, Sygna Suit Misty & Vaporeon, Clemont & Heliolisk, Brock & Onix, Crasher Wake & Floatzel, Kahili & Toucannon, Sophocles & Togedemaru, Noland & Mega Pinsir, Iris (Fall 2022) & Naganadel |
TIER 8 |
Morty & Mega Banette, Wallace & Milotic, Lorelei & Lapras, Agatha & Mega Gengar, Calem & Meowstic, Clay & Seismitoad, Flannery & Torkoal, Grant & Aurorus |
Tier List for Support Sync Pairs
Tier |
Pokémon Characters |
TIER 1 |
Sonia & Yamper, Aaron & Vespiquen, Jasmine & Celesteela, Hilbert & Samurott, Burgh & Togepi, Sygna Suit Blue & Mega Blastoise, Lillie & Polteageist, Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise, Mallow (Palentine’s 2023) & Appletun, Allister & Gourgeist, Bede (Champion) & Articuno, Sygna Suit Mina & Tapu Fini |
TIER 2 |
Falkner & Swellow, Sabrina & Mega Alakazam, Hop & Zamazenta, Giovanni & Persian, Lyra & Meganium, Elio & Primarina, Kiawe & Marowak, Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, Roark & Cranidos, Maylene & Meditite, Bruno & Onix, Lorelei & Cloyster |
TIER 3 |
Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom, Player & Cobalion, Bugsy & Scyther, Bea & Vanilluxe, Leaf & Eevee, Player & Mesprit, Caitlin & Mega Sableye, Dawn & Alcremie, Melony & Lapras, Lyra (Special Costume) & Phanpy, Agatha & Arbok |
TIER 4 |
Lt. Surge & Raichu, Phoebe & Dusknoir, Skyla & Swanna, Blue & Exeggutor, Piers & Obstagoon, Nita & Landorus, Sabrina & Chingling, Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme), Hilda & Grapploct, Sabrina (New Years’ 2022) & Chingling, Anabel & Snorlax, Lt. Surge & Voltorb |
TIER 5 |
Cheryl & Blissey, Lana & Araquanid, Lillie & Ribombee, Misty & Psyduck, Player & Regirock, Cynthia & Gastrodon, Lillie & Clefairy, Evelyn & Entei, Sawyer & Honchkrow, Morty & Mismagius, Lillie (New Years’ 2021) & Ribombee, Cynthia & Garchomp |
TIER 6 |
Rosa & Delibird, Rachel & Umbreon, Player & Torchic, Jasmine & Mega Steelix, Marley & Arcanine, Drake & Salamence, Roxanne & Probopass, Kukui & Lycanroc, Rosa & Serperior, Jasmine (Holiday 2022) & Ampharos, Shauna & Chesnaught, Shauna (Special Costume) & Klefki |
TIER 7 |
Liza & Lunatone, Erika & Comfey, Player & Pikachu, Acerola & Palossand, Erika & Vileplume, Ramos & Victreebel, Viola & Masquerain, Calem (Champion) & Greninja, Roxanne & Nosepass |
TIER 8 |
Thorton & Bronzong, Erika & Tangela, Lucy & Seviper, Blaine & Rapidash, Glacia & Mega Glalie, Grimsley & Liepard, Wulfric & Avalugg, Maylene & Medicham, Lyra & Vaporeon |
TIER 9 |
Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh, Red & Snorlax, Dawn & Cresselia, Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune, Sygna Suit Brendan & Mega Latios, Ingo & Excadrill, Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura) & Mega Lucario |
TIER 10 |
Brycen & Cryogonal, James & Weezing, Janine & Ariados, Lt. Surge & Electrode, Marlon & Carracosta, Cheren & Stoutland |
Pokemon Masters EX Gameplay
Pokémon Masters EX offers a captivating gameplay experience that revolves around strategic battles and dynamic team-building. Set on the artificial island of Pasio, players are tasked with assembling a team of sync pairs, each consisting of a prominent Pokémon Trainer and their partner Pokémon. These sync pairs come from various regions of the Pokémon world, spanning both the main series games and the animated series.
The core gameplay mechanics involve engaging in 3-on-3 real-time battles, where players strategically select moves for their sync pairs to execute. Each sync pair has a unique role, such as Strike, Tech, or Support, influencing their abilities and the tactics they bring to the battle. Timing and synergy between sync pairs are crucial for victory.
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As players progress through the game’s main story, they’ll encounter different Pokémon Trainers, battle against other sync pairs, and unravel the mysteries of Pasio. Alongside the main story, various events, challenges, and special battles are regularly introduced, offering opportunities to earn rewards, strengthen sync pairs, and unlock new content.
Players can enhance their sync pairs by leveling them up, unlocking new moves, and equipping them with gear that boosts their stats. Evolution and Mega Evolution mechanics are also incorporated, allowing certain sync pairs to evolve or Mega Evolve during battles, which can turn the tide of a challenging encounter.
Furthermore, cooperative multiplayer gameplay adds a social dimension to Pokémon Masters EX. Players can team up with friends or other players online to take on powerful foes and complete challenging missions together. This cooperative play encourages collaboration and strategic coordination to achieve victory.
The game’s user interface is designed for accessibility, making it easy for both newcomers and experienced players to navigate battles, manage sync pairs, and explore the various features Pasio has to offer.Pokémon Masters EX offers a blend of strategic planning, real-time battles, and a rich collection of beloved Pokémon Trainers, making it an engaging experience for fans of the Pokémon franchise.
Pokemon Masters EX Release Date
Pokémon Masters EX was initially released on August 29, 2019, marking its debut as a mobile gaming experience for Android and iOS platforms. This release introduced players to the captivating world of Pasio, where they could assemble teams of sync pairs and engage in strategic battles with notable Pokémon Trainers from across the franchise’s expansive history.
The launch of Pokémon Masters EX brought together the excitement of real-time battles and the camaraderie of teaming up with iconic characters, captivating fans of the Pokémon universe.Subsequently, on the first anniversary of the game in August 2020, Pokémon Masters EX underwent a rebranding, adopting its new moniker to reflect its evolution and growth: Pokémon Masters EX.
This name change accompanied a celebration of the game’s milestone, reaffirming its commitment to providing an immersive and engaging experience for players worldwide. Since its initial release, Pokémon Masters EX has continued to evolve, introducing new content, events, and updates to keep players engaged and to ensure a fresh and dynamic gameplay experience.
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Source: https://truongnguyenbinhkhiem.edu.vn
Category: Gaming