Optical illusion: The rat is tied. Can you find the hidden mouse to help him?

Rats are adorable creatures, but they can scare people. Take a look at these cartoon images of mice and you’ll see how awesome these creatures can be. However, when you look at a real-life mouse, you will know how scary they can be.

By now, you’ve probably guessed the animal we’ve chosen for today’s “Search for Hidden Animals” challenge. Why do we continue with such challenges?

The answer is clear. With special edition brain teasers, optical illusion content, math puzzles, etc., we aim to bring a smile to your face after a long, boring day at work. Furthermore, these challenges have the ability to help your brain think differently and can therefore act as a perfect stress reliever.

Today we came up with another fun challenge for you, asking you to find the mouse hidden in the picture in no more than 10 seconds. Things become boring? Enjoy the challenge with a funny story.


Ben is quite mean. No, we’re not talking about your childhood friend Ben. We are talking about the mouse in the story whom we named Ben. Why did we name the mouse Ben? Well, anything can happen in a fictional story. That is the beauty of the novel. People can fly, trees can sing, and animals can be called people in a fictional story. So where did we stop? FOX!

Ben is a mean mouse. He jumps from place to place all day and never gets tired. He runs super fast and prides himself on his running and stealing skills. Like every other mouse in the world, Ben loves cheese and butter. But hey, one thing Ben lacks is common sense. It was easy to fool Ben. He rarely thinks like a sober mouse and often gets into trouble for his lack of interest.

One fine day, Ben was hungry and went looking for food. Suddenly he saw a large pile of trash on the ground. Someone may have thrown away a bottle of vanilla perfume, but stupid Ben couldn’t tell the difference. Do we expect too much logic from mice? Maybe!

The problem is that Ben jumped into the trash to sniff for food but didn’t find anything of value. When he tried to escape, he couldn’t. So what should you do?

Well, we are a group of generous people who love animals and are always ready to help them. Today Ben is in trouble and we are happy to help him. However, we could not detect the mouse hidden in the photo.

Can you help us find the hidden mouse?

Photo source: Mister Teach (YouTube)

Can you find Ben, the hidden mouse? Of course, Ben is annoyingly naughty, but it makes no sense to expect intelligence and logic from a mouse. Have you found it yet?

Oh, is it hiding here?


Photo source: Mister Teach (YouTube)

THAT! We found a hidden mouse.

Oh sorry. We have no plans to take away your loans. Oh dear reader, you have found the hidden mouse. Now our team will gather around the trash can and carefully rescue the trapped mouse. Until then, you can have a short and peaceful sleep. Well done, dear readers; You did great today!

READ ALSO Optical illusion: The squirrel is playing hide and seek with us! Can you spot the hidden squirrel?

Category: Trends Source: newstars.edu.vn

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