How to Repair Weapons and Tools in Lord of the Rings?

How to repair weapons and tools in Lord of the Rings?

In the world of Lord of the Rings games, repairing weapons and tools is a simple process. To repair your items, you first need to create a Repair Shop, which you can find in the “Building Plans” under “Crafting” in the “Essentials and Crafts” section. To craft this repair smithy, you will need to craft five iron ingots in the furnace.

In order to build a furnace you will need some stones, which you can obtain by breaking large rocks, buildings and walls. To get Iron Ore, break the wall at the red marker, or open the crate. After collecting iron ore, you melt it in a furnace to get what you need to repair your blacksmith shop.

Once you have the Repair Shop, you can interact with it. You will see the durability percentage of your weapons and tools. You can repair them using metal fragments found around Moria. The number of fragments required depends on the item and its degree of damage. Repairs are usually cheap, and you can easily find enough pieces so keeping your gear in good condition shouldn’t be a problem.

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Lord of the Rings Returns to Moria

“The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria” is a video game released in 2023. It’s themed around survival and crafting, and is made by a company called Free Range Games. Another company called North Beach Games published the game. The game takes place in the world of Middle-earth created by the famous author JRR Tolkien. The story is set after the events of “Lord of the Rings” and tells the story of a group of dwarves trying to regain their homeland of Moria.

They want to regain the long-lost old kingdom of Khazad-dûm. Behind the game are developer Free Range Games, publisher North Beach Games, director Jon-Paul Dumont, artist Bradley Fulton, and writer Farrakhan. It is part of the Middle-earth series and was created using Unreal Engine.


Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Gameplay

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is a game where you explore the dark and mysterious mines of Moria. These mines are randomly created, so you never know what you’ll find. In the game, you have to mine iron, gold, quartz, gems, mithril and other resources in three mountain ranges. You can then use these resources to create tools, weapons, armor, buildings, and other useful stuff.

Survival is an important part of the game. You have to forage for food, manage your sleep, stay warm, keep your spirits up, and stay quiet so you don’t attract bad guys like orcs and cave trolls. These creatures live in the dark parts of the mines and you have to fight them. You can also build your own base and find ancient items such as special swords that glow when orcs are nearby, maps, crafting plans, and magical amulets.

Additionally, you’ll encounter blocked paths with strange symbols. The game also delves into the history of the dwarves, their different clans, and what happened to the orcs after Sauron’s defeat. Some call it a post-apocalyptic adventure. In this game you can use special creators to make your dwarf character look the way you want. If you don’t want to play alone, you can team up with friends in online multiplayer mode. One person can host a game with up to eight players participating.

Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Overview


The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria


Survival crafting game


Procedurally generated Moria mines


Iron, gold, quartz, gemstones, mithril


Tools, weapons, armor, structures, resources

survival elements

food, sleep, temperature, will, noise


Orcs, cave trolls, dark creatures


Base building, ancient items, exploration

story focus

Dwarf history, different clans, post-apocalyptic

game mode

Single player, online cooperative multiplayer

release date

  • Windows (October 24, 2023)
  • PlayStation 5 (December 5, 2023)
  • Xbox Series X/S (Q1/Q2 2024)


free range games


north beach games


Unreal Engine


middle earth


Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

The Lord of the Rings Returns to Moria trailer

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