How to Get Bronze Ingot in Disney Dreamlight Valley? Bronze Ingot Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dream Valley Bronze Ingot

In Disney’s Dreamland, bronze ingots are special metal rods used to craft important items such as furniture, tools, and decorations. It’s shiny and valuable. If you have the Time Rift expansion pack, you will encounter a new type of material called Mechanical Parts.

These are also used in crafting. First, the game might tell you to find mechanical parts in EVE’s friendship missions, which involve time-related stuff. But here’s the tricky part: you don’t need a new time-bending table for this; Instead, you can use a regular crafting station. So, get ready to use your bronze ingots to craft cool stuff in the game.

How to get copper ingots in Disney Dream Valley?

There are two ways to obtain copper ingots in Disneyland of Dreams:

  • Production:

  • Purchase from Christophe’s Stall:


Disney Dream Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is a new video game launching in 2023. In this game, you need to take care of a special valley filled with Disney and Pixar characters. These characters have a problem – they’ve lost their memories due to a curse. The game lets you help them and take care of this magical place.

It was first released on September 6, 2022 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Later, on December 6, 2022, they released the macOS version along with some new content for the game. Initially, you’ll have to pay in advance to play, but they’re considering making it free. But in October 2023, they changed their minds and decided it wouldn’t be free after all. The game launches fully on December 5, 2023, and comes with the first big bonus part, “A Rift in Time.”

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Disney Dream Valley


Montreal Gameloft


Game Court




Apple TV, iOS, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

release date

Global: December 5, 2023


Life simulation, adventure

Disney Dream Valley gameplay

At Disneyland, you can dive into a world where you take care of this magical place filled with Disney and Pixar characters. It’s like being in a grand adventure where you control a character who lives in this special valley. You can explore, collect stuff, and even use magic to clear out these not-so-friendly plants known as “night thorns.”

You can cook, you can craft things, and you can use magical tools to help you, such as a pickaxe or fishing rod. You can even decorate the place with furniture and style your clothes. As you play, you can earn coins, allowing you to buy cool stuff or upgrade your valley. The best part? You can become friends with the characters who live there by chatting, doing activities together, and giving gifts. The more friends you make, the more stuff and rewards you unlock.

Disney Dream Valley Trailer

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