How Many Ships Can You Own in Starfield? Starfield Gameplay and Trailer

How many ships can you have in Starfield?

In Starfield, you can have up to ten ships, but there are some interesting details to consider. By default, players have access to ten ship slots in their inventory. You can purchase a new ship as long as you have at least one slot available. However, there’s a unique twist – you can still get an extra ship if it’s given to you for free as a mission reward.

This means you can temporarily have more than ten ships. But if you want to buy another ship, you’ll need to sell two existing ships to create a free slot, bringing your total back to ten ships. Currently, the number of ships a player can own is capped at 11, so it’s unclear if you can always accept a free ship, or if there is a limit to the number of ships you can own.

So, in Starfield, while you can officially own ten ships, the possibility of having more may arise under certain circumstances, making ship management an interesting aspect of the game.

Starry sky game information

“Starfield” is a highly anticipated space exploration game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was originally announced in 2018 and eventually released for Windows and Xbox Series X/S in 2023, marking Bethesda’s first original series in 25 years.

In Starfield, players embark on a thrilling adventure across the vast galaxy, exploring more than 1,000 real and fictional planets, moons, and space stations. This open-world experience allows players to fully customize their characters, choosing attributes, skills and traits that shape their journey. The game offers five unique skill trees that evolve as players gain experience, enhancing their capabilities in all aspects.

An important part of Starfield is combat, which includes a variety of weapons from guns to explosives. Players can further customize and upgrade these weapons to gain tactical advantages. The game also emphasizes exploration, resource gathering, and outpost building.

Starfield introduces a fascinating ship customization system that allows players to personalize and commandeer ships for travel and combat. Starfield blends character development, resource management, and space exploration to immerse players in an extraordinary and awe-inspiring game universe.


ship in starry sky

In Starfield, ships are very important to your space adventure. Here’s what you should know about them:

  • Different Types of Boats: Starfield has many different boats for you to choose from. You can buy them or get them from other characters in the game.
  • Customize your boat: You can change your boat to suit your needs. This means you can make them better at fighting, moving quickly, or sneaking.
  • Meet the Ship Technician: To switch to a new ship, you need to find a Ship Technician. You can usually find them in shipyards on different planets. There’s one near where you first land in New Atlantis.
  • Switch Ships: When you meet the Ship Technician, talk to them and select “View and modify my ships”. Then, select a new ship and set it as your main ship.
  • Hijack a Ship: You can also hijack a ship to get a new ship. When you start using a hijacked ship, it becomes your main ship until you change it back.
  • Specialization: It’s wise to have different boats for different jobs. For example, one for combat, one for speed, and one for sneaky stuff. This way, you’ll be ready for anything in the game.

starry sky game

Starfield is an action role-playing video game in which the player can choose between first-person and third-person perspectives at any time. It is set in the Milky Way galaxy and features a vast open world with both fictional and real planetary systems. Exploration involves the ability to land on more than 1,000 planets, numerous moons and space stations.

The game’s landscapes are primarily procedurally generated, but have been fine-tuned with hand-crafted elements. The terrain, alien life, and points of interest on a planet depend on the star they orbit, their atmosphere, and their distance from the player. Notably, Starfield features New Atlantis, Bethesda’s largest fictional city. Players will encounter various NPCs during exploration, some of whom can join their team to assist in combat and interaction.

Player characters are customizable, with background and traits affecting their abilities. Skills are developed through experience, unlocking abilities across five different skill trees. Combat offers a variety of customizable weapons, as well as a jetpack for enhanced mobility.

Resource scanning, outpost construction, and ship customization are key gameplay elements that allow players to acquire, upgrade, and modify their ships. Ship combat involves strategic distribution of power, and players can board other ships for a variety of interactions, including pillage, trade, or requisition.

Starry sky release date

The official release date of “Starfield” is September 6, 2023, but it was originally scheduled to be released in November 2022 and was later postponed. It is worth noting that players who pre-order the Premium or Constellation versions can start early access from September 1st.

The change in release date has players eagerly anticipating the chance to explore the vast universe and take part in a thrilling sci-fi adventure. For fans of space exploration and science fiction, September 6th becomes an important day, marking the arrival of a highly anticipated gaming experience.

Starry Sky Trailer

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