- Several Jedi attempted to revive the Jedi Order after Order 66, facing challenges from the Inquisitors and Darth Vader.
- Characters such as Jocasta Nu, Cere Junda, and Cal Kestis played key roles in attempting to rebuild the Jedi Order.
- Luke Skywalker’s attempt to establish a Jedi academy and Rey Skywalker’s future plans point to a renewed Jedi Order.
After his disappearance in Revenge of the SithThere were several attempts to restore the Jedi Order in the Star Wars canon. Though most of the few Jedi who survived Palpatine’s purge went into hiding and/or were hunted down, an even smaller number attempted to reclaim the Jedi Order as it had once been. That said, the actual number of Jedi who attempted this is higher than one might expect.
Having orchestrated the Clone Wars as a massive trap, Palpatine managed to bring an end to the entire Jedi Order through his own clone troopers. Thanks to the secret protocol known as Order 66, enforced through behavioral implants, clones turned on their Jedi generals across the galaxy, while the corrupt Anakin Skywalker slaughtered everyone within the Jedi Temple. Turning the Republic into his own Empire, Palpatine’s Imperial Inquisitors were tasked with hunting down any survivors as the legacy of the Jedi began to fade from the galaxy. With that being said, here are all the characters who attempted to bring back the Jedi Order after Order 66.
You are watching: Every Jedi Who Tried To Rebuild The Jedi After Order 66
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9 Jocasta Nu
Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives
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Immediately following Order 66, Jocasta Nu bravely returns to Coruscant with the goal of preserving the knowledge of the Jedi Order kept within the Archives to which she long dedicated her life. Having prepared a covert Jedi school to keep the Order alive, Jocasta returned to Coruscant to retrieve a holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children who could be trained as Jedi and who might eventually grow up to resist Palpatine’s new regime. However, Jocasta’s efforts saw her confront both the Grand Inquisitor and Darth Vader himself.
Although Jocasta attempted suicide when she was outnumbered, Vader saved her life as his master wanted her alive. However, Jocasta goads Vader into killing her himself, revealing his identity as Anakin Skywalker to the surrounding troops. As a result, Vader also killed the soldiers who were unfortunate enough to have overheard, while informing Palpatine that Jocasta had simply died while being pursued.
8 Ferren Barr
A Rebel Dark Jedi
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During the Empire’s campaign to stamp out the resistance they encountered on the ocean world of Mon Cala, it was revealed that the planet’s monarchy had been protecting Ferren Barr, a Jedi Padawan who survived the Purge. However, Barr had grown bitter in the wake of the Order’s demise. Using the Force to compel a group of Force-sensitive beings to follow him as acolytes, Barr’s version of rebuilding the Order was dark and twisted, focused solely on vengeance against the Sith.
Barr had been obsessed with the rapid downfall of the Jedi. To that end, the rogue Jedi came to learn all about Order 66, as well as Vader’s secret identity, just as Jocasta had done (before meeting her end in a similar fashion at the hands of the Dark Lord). However, his dark actions ensured that the Mon Calamari people would become an integral part of the future Rebel Alliance going forward. Star Wars Canyon.
7 Eno Cordova
Preserved the future of the Jedi
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Eno Cordova was a Jedi Master who had become obsessed with the ancient Force-sensitive species known as Zeffo. A friend of Qui-Gon Jinn, Cordova received a vision of the fall of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. As such, this prompted the Jedi Master to procure a holocron containing lists of Force-sensitive children from before the rise of the Empire within Zeffo’s vault on Bogano, in hopes of preserving the future of the Jedi Order in the hopes that it could one day be rebuilt.
Ultimately, Cordova survived Order 66 by fleeing into the Unknown Regions. He eventually resurfaced on the sacred world of Jedha, working with the secret network known as The Hidden Path to bring Force-sensitives and their families to safety from the Empire. To do so, Eno would also reunite with his former apprentice Cere Junda, who would join him in his work. However, Cordova ultimately lost his life due to the betrayal of Imperial secret agent Bode Akuna.
6 Cereals
A new archive was built in Jedha
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Though Cere Junda and her Padawan Trilla Suduri were captured by the Inquisitors early in the Empire’s reign, Cere managed to escape while Trilla was inducted into their dark ranks as the Second Sister. Cere turned away from the Force for years because of her and eventually met fellow surviving Jedi Cal Kestis. Evading the Inquisitors while searching for her master’s holocron, Cere became a great ally to Cal Kestis, especially when the duo barely escaped Darth Vader’s control over the Inquisitor stronghold of Nur.
Cere eventually reunites with Master Cordova and reconnects with the Force as she works to create new Jedi Archives on Jedha. However, the Empire eventually finds her secret hideout thanks to Akuna. Sacrificing herself to save her friends, Cere gives her life to face Darth Vader, giving her allies enough time to escape with their lives.
5 calories Kestis
A key Jedi survivor
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Cal Kestis, a Padawan who barely survived Order 66 thanks to the sacrifice of his master, spent years as a scavenger, staying under the Empire’s radar. However, the Inquisitors finally find him 5 years after the Purge. Escaping their control thanks to Cere and her pilot named Greez, Cal Kestis decides to take a stand and search for the Cordova holocron to try and rebuild the Jedi Order. Despite the great efforts he made to secure it, Cal ends up destroying the holocron and the lists of Force-sensitive children, leaving their fates in the hands of the will of the Force during such a dark era.
However, Cal eventually discovers and protects the hidden world of Tanalorr. Believing that it could become a haven for Force-sensitive beings and those seeking to escape the wrath of the Empire, Kestis and his surviving allies now have a place where they could finally be safe from the Empire. However, Cal Kestis’ story has yet to be completed, and his ultimate fate in canon remains unknown.
4. Tensu Race
Seeking revenge against the inquisitors?
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Having survived the Purge alongside his master, Jedi Knight Tensu Run is one of Star Wars’ The last survivors of the Jedi Purge. In his quest to rebuild the Jedi Order, Tensu Run has a group of followers and potential fellow Jedi following his lead. However, Darth Vader and his Inquisitors know exactly what kind of threat Run represents and have made him a priority target in the new, canonical Marvel saga. Inquisitors Marvel Comics series. While his story is not yet complete, it has already been stated that Tensu is seeking revenge against the Inquisitors, having grown tired of running away.
3 noses
A young Jedi who found Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Although his screen time was brief in the Star Wars In canon, it appears that the surviving Jedi named Nari had been seeking out other Jedi to try and rebuild the Jedi Order. With the Inquisitors hot on his heels, Nari made his way to Tatooine and eventually found Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been living in exile, secretly protecting the young Luke Skywalker. However, Kenobi dashes Nari’s hopes by telling him to bury his lightsaber and live a normal life, despite the young Jedi’s protests that people need them. Shortly afterward, Nari is eventually captured and killed by the Inquisitors.
2. Luke Skywalker
He built a Jedi Academy on Ossus
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Following the defeat of the Empire and the rise of the New Republic, Luke Skywalker begins building a new Jedi academy on the world of Ossus. One of his first students was The MandalorianThough the boy eventually decides to return to his father, Din Djarin, to train to become a Mandalorian warrior, Luke’s academy would continue to grow with new students, including Ben Solo, his powerful nephew who became his apprentice.
However, Luke’s Jedi academy on Ossus was ultimately lost before the events of the sequel trilogy. Fearing Ben’s power and darkness due to Snoke’s manipulation, Luke had a momentary lapse where he controversially considered killing his nephew. This moment still costs Luke dearly, as Ben Solo destroys the academy and embraces the dark side as Kylo Ren.
1 Rey Skywalker
A Jedi Order yet to come?
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Following the events of the sequel trilogy, Rey Skywalker is “All the Jedi”having defeated the First Order and the resurrected Emperor Palpatine by channeling the power of the Jedi who came before her. Now, director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is prepping a new film starring Daisy Ridley, in which Rey is expected to finally rebuild the Jedi Order. That said, it’s likely to be a Jedi Order that operates differently than the previous iteration seen in the prequels.
One of Luke’s biggest problems was trying to replicate the Jedi Order exactly as it had been in the Star Wars According to Skywalker himself, he ignored his inherent flaws and arrogance that led to his demise in the first place. As such, it will be exciting to see what kind of changes might be seen in Rey’s Jedi Order when her film hits theaters in 2026.
Star Wars: New Jedi Order Not Yet RatedFantasy
The tenth main installment of the Star Wars franchise is the first film to follow the sequel trilogy, where Luke (Mark Hamill), Leia (Carrie Fisher), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) said their final farewells. Following the release of The Rise of Skywalker, development on a direct sequel had stalled as Disney shifted its focus to other parts of the galaxy, namely Disney+ shows like The Mandalorian, Andor, and Ahsoka. However, a film starring Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker was officially announced at Star Wars Celebration 2023.
Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Studio(s) Lucasfilm Distributor(s) Disney Screenwriters Steven Knight Cast Daisy Ridley Franchise(s) Star Wars prequel(s) Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace , Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones , Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith , Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope , Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back , Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi , Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens , Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi , Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker Expand
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