As one of the very first villains in the Harry Potter franchise, Draco Malfoy has a lot of time to be just plain bad, but luckily, the movies offer plenty of moments when he gets what’s coming to him. Although Lord Voldemort is the most powerful and dangerous villain in Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is an antagonist not to be ignored. Draco is the average school bully who picks on Harry from the moment they meet and will not relent for almost eight whole movies. Luckily though, as much privilege as Draco enjoys, he doesn’t always come out on top.
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It is important to note that although Draco Malfoy is a villain, he is an arguably nuanced character. Despite his rudeness, his prejudice, and his violence, Draco may have a solid reason for his behavior: his parents. By Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, it is clear that Draco did not grow up in the most loving of homes. Furthermore, his purist outlook almost definitely comes from growing up with the cold and cruel Lucius Malfoy. Regardless, Draco does some truly awful things in Harry Potter, so it is especially satisfying when others get the best of him.
You are watching: 6 Times Draco Malfoy Gets What He Deserves In The Harry Potter Movies
Related 10 Draco Malfoy Moments The HBO Harry Potter Show Must Include
With the Harry Potter HBO show coming up, it’s time to address these Draco Malfoy moments from the books and movies that absolutely must be included.
6 Draco’s Detention In Sorcerer’s Stone
Draco Could Have Gotten Away With It – But Didn’t
One of the very first times that Draco Malfoy gets what he deserves is when he gets detention alongside Harry, Hermione, and Ron. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the Golden Trio are assisting Hagrid with Norbert, with Draco seemingly following them. All four kids are caught out of bed past curfew by Minerva McGonagall, and thus, are given detention in the Forbidden Forest. This leads to Harry spotting a unicorn being drained of its blood by a shadowy figure aka Professor Quirrell.
In the book, Ron is not present at this detention because he was injured by Norbert. Instead, Neville takes his place.
Although Draco benefits from an immense amount of privilege, this detention in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone proves that Draco is not infallible. While other suspicious figures like Snape are more lenient to Draco, the more upstanding figures at Hogwarts are not. Draco clearly did something wrong, and he paid the price for it. In reality, it is punishment for two separate crimes. Not only was Draco out of bed late at night, but he was also spying on Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Draco’s detention is also important storywise because it forces Harry and Draco to be in proximity to each other. From their very first meeting, Harry and Draco dislike each other, and this disdain only grows with each book. However, in detention, the boys are forced to work together. The scene puts into perspective how different the pair are, but also, how alike they are. No matter how cruel Draco can be, he is still just an 11-year-old boy, the same as Harry. Ultimately, this detention makes for an interesting dynamic.
5 Draco Got Attacked By Buckbeak
Draco’s Arrogance Is Wounded
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A more physical example of Draco getting what he deserves is when Buckbeak attacks him in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In the movie, the third-year Hogwarts students begin taking Care of Magical Creatures, which was taught by Hagrid. During one class, Hagrid introduces the kids to Buckbeak, a hippogriff. Hagrid warns the students that they can come up to Buckbeak, but must show the hippogriff respect. Believing he is outside the rules, Draco does not. As a result, Buckbeak injures his arm.
Draco seems to have a “nothing-can-touch-me” attitude, and Buckbeak proves that this definitely isn’t true.
Buckbeak attacking Draco is incredibly satisfying because it knocks the Malfoy boy down a peg. He pays the price for not following the rules, but also for his arrogance. Draco has a “nothing-can-touch-me” attitude, and Buckbeak proves that can’t get away with that outlook. Even an animal can recognize Draco’s bad character and makes him suffer for it. It also helps that this situation occurs in front of the entire class. Suddenly, everyone gets to see Draco’s actions have consequences.
The cherry on top of this situation is that Harry is the complete opposite of Draco when it comes to Buckbeak. Harry approaches the hippogriff with a healthy amount of fear and does as Hagrid instructs. Thus, Buckbeak trusts and respects Harry and allows him to ride on his back. This relationship between Harry and Buckbeak becomes essential later on when Harry helps Sirius Black escape from Hogwarts. Once again, this situation sheds light on the vital differences between Harry and Draco.
4 Hermione Punched Draco In The Face
Draco’s Insults Against Hermione Deserved Payback
Another moment from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that probably made every viewer clap in excitement is when Hermione punches Draco in the face. The Golden Trio are out on the Hogwarts grounds heading toward Hagrid’s hut when they come across Draco and his goons, Crabbe and Goyle. As per usual, Draco tries to rile the trio up by making fun of Hagrid. However, Hermione becomes fed up with his antics and punches him square in the face, leaving everyone shocked.
This scene is so amazing because it comes out of nowhere. There are plenty of times throughout the Harry Potter franchise when Draco deserves to be hit, but for some reason, this is when Hermione decides that she needs to put him in his place. Her actions surprise the audience as much as they surprise Harry and Ron. However, the surprise quickly turns to relief and joy because Draco has deserved that punch for so long. It is also touching because it is done in Hagrid’s honor.
Somehow, the punch is also one of the best Draco Malfoy moments because of the context of his and Hermione’s relationship. While him and Harry have always been rivals, Draco and Hermione have a much darker relationship. From the very beginning, Draco judges Hermione for having Muggle parents. He consistently calls her a “Mudblood,” and judges her looks and smarts. In this way, Just because of this alone, Hermione has long had the right to punch Draco in the face.
3 Snape Killing Dumbledore For Draco
Draco’s Cowardice Is Put On Display
One of the more subtle moments when Draco falls from grace is when he tries and fails to kill Dumbledore. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Draco joins the Death Eaters and is tasked with murdering Albus Dumbledore. Near the end of the movie, Draco corners Dumbledore on top of the Astronomy Tower with his wand out and the Killing Curse on his lips. However, Draco can’t do it. His fear and his cowardice force Snape to be the one to kill Dumbledore.
Though he excels at boarding school bullying, Draco is unable to rise to the occasion of being a true, cold-blooded villain.
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What this scene proves is that Draco is all bark and no bite. Throughout the movies, Draco talks a big game about beating Harry in Quidditch and in class. He schemes and carries out mean pranks against the Golden Trio. Yet, when it comes to serious issues, Draco cannot truly perform. Though he excels at boarding school bullying, Draco is unable to rise to the occasion of being a true, cold-blooded villain. His failure to kill Dumbledore proves that he isn’t capable of being like his father or Voldemort.
Snape’s replacement of Draco is shameful, but it is also a gesture of kindness. Putting Dumbledore’s life in Draco’s hands is a big risk. Though Draco proved his cruelty over time, murder is a major leap forward. Committing such an act would have left a stain on Draco’s soul. He would have taken a life, but in particular, the life of his kind and legendary headmaster. In this way, Snape saves Draco from damning himself further.
2 Mad-Eye Moody Turned Draco Into A Ferret
Draco’s Punishment Goes Slightly Too Far
What is likely the most memorable punishment that Draco Malfoy faces in Harry Potter is when Mad-Eye Moody turns him into a ferret. During Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Draco is taunting Moody from across the schoolyard. Moody, who is actually Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise, takes offense to Draco’s insults and approaches him. Then, without warning, he uses Transfiguration to turn Draco into a ferret. Not only that, but he lifts ferret-Draco into the air with magic and sends him careening around helplessly.
While this scene is definitely comical, it also may have gone a bit too far. The real Mad-Eye Moody likely would not have stooped to such a level as to Transfigure a student. Furthermore, the magic could have gone wrong or Draco could have been seriously injured or killed. Draco certainly deserved punishment, but what Moody did was arguably too much, at least from a moral perspective. Regardless, it put Draco in his place and taught him that not everyone is fair game.
1 Harry Used Sectumsempra On Draco
Draco’s Finally Faced True Suffering
The most violent moment Draco Malfoy ever faces in the Harry Potter franchise is when Harry uses Sectumsempra against him. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,Draco attempts to use the Cruciatus Curse against Harry. Notably, this is an Unforgivable Curse that is illegal and causes immense pain. In self-defense, Harry uses the Sectumsempra spell, which he learned from the Half-Blood Prince’s book and which he has never used before. Harry quickly realizes that the spell creates large gashes in the victim’s body.
The Half-Blood Prince is Snape, who in turn, created Sectumsempra.
Draco could have died from his injuries, and the spell itself is incredibly violent and painful. Yet, it is important to remember that Draco threw an Unforgivable Curse at Harry. Though it would not have left wounds, it most certainly would have hurt Harry to an incredible degree. Furthermore, Harry cast Sectumsempra without realizing its true effects. If he knew, he likely would not have used the spell.
Ultimately, Draco being a victim of Sectumsempra feels like a turning point for him, and for his relationship with Harry. The boys are no longer boarding school enemies, but true opponents. The scene proves that their dislike for each other can be life-threatening. Luckily, this is as far as their rivalry goes, and later, Draco even saves Harry by pretending not to recognize him when he is captured by Death Eaters. In this way, Draco may have finally reached his limit in this Harry Potter scene.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.
Created by J.K. Rowling First Film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Cast Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson , Rupert Grint , Tom Felton , Alan Rickman , Matthew Lewis , Bonnie Wright , Evanna Lynch , Maggie Smith , Michael Gambon , Richard Harris , Ralph Fiennes , Helena Bonham Carter , Alfred Enoch , Harry Melling , Gary Oldman , Robert Pattinson , Warwick Davis , Oliver Phelps , James Phelps , David Bradley , David Thewlis , Katie Leung , Jason Isaacs , Imelda Staunton , David Tennant , Jamie Campbell Bower , Timothy Spall , Robbie Coltrane , Eddie Redmayne , Jude Law , Katherine Waterston , Ezra Miller , Dan Fogler , Alison Sudol , Johnny Depp , Mads Mikkelsen Character(s) Harry Potter , Hermione Granger , Ron Weasley , Dumbledore , Minerva McGonagall , Rubeus Hagrid , Dobby the House Elf , Draco Malfoy , Sirius Black , Ginny Weasley , Voldemort Expand $89 at AmazonSee at TargetSee at Walmart
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