Ian McKellen’s powerful wizard is a source of guidance, counsel, and knowledge for the Fellowship in The Lord of the Rings, making for a lot of wise Gandalf quotes. In many ways, Gandalf exemplifies the archetype of the wizard character, and he is great at dispensing wisdom. While Gandalf is also extremely powerful, as one of the few Istari in Middle-earth, his intelligence is one of his greatest strengths. Many of Gandalf’s quotes are still enshrined in pop culture today, decades after the original movies were released, and his wisest are always worth remembering.
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The best Gandalf quotes are often the ones that display his immense wisdom. Throughout both the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies, Gandalf is an invaluable source of information and guidance. However, many of the wisest things that he says are simple phrases that can be applied to everyday life. Ian McKellen gave such gravitas and charm to Gandalf that it’s almost impossible to imagine anyone else in the role, and any actor that takes it on in the future will have big robes to fill.
You are watching: 15 Wisest Gandalf Quotes From The Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit
Lord Of The Rings: How Gandalf The Grey & White Are Different
The difference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White goes beyond a wardrobe change. Here’s how the wizard transformed in Lord of the Rings.
“There Never Was Much Hope. Just A Fool’s Hope.”
Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
While this Gandalf quote from The Lord of the Rings may seem pessimistic at first, it’s actually incredibly reassuring in the pragmatic outlook on the world that it reveals. The quote comes in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King when Pippin asks Gandalf if there’s any hope for Sam and Frodo. The terrified hobbit is looking to the White Wizard for some assurance that the danger they face in Minas Tirith will be worth it, and if there’s still a chance that Sauron can be defeated.
Gandalf’s answer initially seems to be the opposite of what Pippin wants to hear. However, Pippin quickly realizes that Gandalf’s words are the perfect mix of comforting and realistic. This Gandalf quote is essentially saying that their journey was, on paper, doomed from the outset. Gandalf is pointing out to Pippin that they have defied the odds time and time again. Gandalf is telling Pippin that the same may well still be true for Sam and Frodo – which, as viewers know, is exactly the case.
“Keep Your Forked Tongue Behind Your Teeth.”
Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
This Gandalf quote from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers doesn’t mean much out of context, but it’s one of the best for displaying the innate wisdom the wizard has. It comes when Gandalf first arrives at Edoras, the capital of Rohan, to find that King Theoden has become a wizened, withered shadow of his former self. Unlike many of the Rohirrim, Gandalf can see the problem straight away – Theoden’s adviser, Grima Wormtongue.
Being the incredibly wise character he is, Gandalf knows that no good will come from Grima having a single word in the conversation. He silences Grima immediately, telling him “I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!” It’s one of several Gandalf quotes that aren’t necessarily wise in and of themselves, but rather display his wisdom and understanding of the world around him.
“Do You Mean To Wish Me A Good Morning Or Do You Mean That It Is A Good Morning Whether I Want It Or Not?”
Gandalf In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Not only is this one of the funniest Gandalf quotes, but it also displays how the wizard can use his wisdom to throw uncertaintly into a conversation and direct it towards the outcome he desires. When he first meets Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Bilbo greets him with a dismissive “Good morning”. Gandalf is canny enough to know that Bilbo’s desire not to be disturbed is strong indeed, so the wizard will have to use no shortage of social manipulation to get the titular hobbit to properly engage.
To do this, Gandalf dissects the statement “good morning” in such a way that Bilbo is beyond confused, so much so that he’s unable to keep up his dismissive walls. Not only is it an incredibly funny interaction, but it’s also the perfect display of how wise Gandalf truly is. By perplexing Bilbo so thoroughly, he ensures that the hobbit can’t simply ignore him or pretend to listen. He grasps Bilbo’s attention fully, an achievement that was nowhere near as easy as it looked.
“Do Not Tempt Me, Frodo!”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
This quote from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is another display of Gandalf’s wisdom that doesn’t come from the words themselves, but what the words represent. Many characters in The Lord of the Rings, such as Boromir and Isildur, believe that they would be a far safer option than Frodo to take charge of The One Ring. Even Frodo, at first, believes The Ring would be much safer with someone like Gandalf. However, Gandalf rejects Frodo’s offer to take it, and in doing so displays an important aspect of his wisdom – his self-understanding.
It’s this introspective wisdom that elevates him above the likes of Saruman, and while this quote from The Fellowship of the Ring is short and simple, it’s an important line of dialogue for understanding Gandalf as a character.
Gandalf doesn’t simply tell Frodo “no”, he specifically says “don’t tempt me, Frodo”. It’s a subtle but important distinction. With this quote, Gandalf displays just how much he’s in tune with his own inner desires and flaws. He acknowledges there’s a part of him that would love to possess The One Ring, and is tempted by the power it would allow him to wield. It’s this introspective wisdom that elevates him above the likes of Saruman, and while this quote from The Fellowship of the Ring is short and simple, it’s an important line of dialogue for understanding Gandalf as a character.
“Fly, You Fools!”
Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Not only is this one of the most iconic Gandalf quotes from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it’s also one that displays his wisdom. What’s more, much like his request that Frodo doesn’t tempt him by offering him The One Ring, it also displays his wisdom in a more subtle way than the Gandalf quotes that are him offering advice or words of comfort. This quote comes when Gandalf has just sent the Balrog plummeting into the depths of Moria, only for the ancient beast to grab Gandalf’s ankle with its whip.
Gandalf can see that the Fellowship want to save him, though he tells them not to – instead urging them to flee. Not only is this an incredible display of selflessness, but it’s also Gandalf once again showing how wise he is (though not, as some believe, because he’s hinting for them to travel to Mordor using the Eagles). He knows that the Fellowship won’t be able to pull him up while he’s in the Balrog’s grasp, and that if they tried, it could doom them all.
“Many That Live Deserve Death. Some That Die Deserve Life. Can You Give It To Them, Frodo? Do Not Be Too Eager To Deal Out Death In Judgment. Even The Very Wise Cannot See All Ends.”
Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Given that he’s lived for thousands of years, has died and been resurrected, and knows some of the deepest secrets about the creation of Middle-earth, Gandalf has a lot more insight into life and death than the average Hobbit or human in The Lord of the Rings. However, he didn’t just gain this wisdom after experiencing death himself and returning as Gandalf the White, as he gives Frodo this key advice in The Fellowship of the Ring.
As an Istari, he has an extremely long life similar to the Elves, and it’s from this place of effective immortality and the wisdom it brings that Gandalf brings forth some advice for Frodo. When Frodo expresses disgust over Gollum (Andy Serkis) and wishes for his death, Gandalf offers these words of advice. While wishing that evil people weren’t around anymore might be normal, Gandalf reminds Frodo that it’s not anyone’s place to deal out death and that how the way things work together, in the end, can’t always be seen.
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Why Gandalf Couldn’t Carry The One Ring In Lord Of The Rings
Gandalf told Frodo not to “tempt” him with Sauron’s One Ring in Lord of the Rings, and this wasn’t just an old wizard being overly cautious.
“The Old Wisdom Born Out Of The West Was Forsaken. Kings Made Tombs More Splendid Than The Houses Of The Living And Counted The Names Of Their Descent Dearer Than The Names Of Their Sons.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
One of the wisest Gandalf quotes only makes it into the extended version of The Return of the King, but it’s a moment that’s worth highlighting for its relevance to some of the key themes seen in the final installment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. As Gandalf and Pippin (Billy Boyd) walk away from their disheartening first meeting with Denethor (John Noble), Gandalf explains to Pippin how the line of kings had failed and how Gondor had gone into a state of decline.
Gandalf astutely observes that obsession with the past played a huge part in Gondor becoming a shadow of its former self
Though he would never have listened to them, Denethor needed these words most of all, his treatment of Faramir (David Wenham) directly echoing Gandalf’s assessment of the rot lying at the heart of the world of Men. Gandalf astutely observes that obsession with the past played a huge part in Gondor becoming a shadow of its former self, and that the kingdom could only heal when it had a ruler who valued the future more than their own legacy and how it compared to rulers of years gone by.
“True Courage Is About Knowing Not When To Take A Life But When To Spare One.”
Gandalf In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Despite facing many dangers in his journeys over the course of The Lord of the Rings movies, Gandalf is not one to kill even his enemies without thought. He further establishes this belief during a significant moment when Gandalf hands Bilbo his iconic sword, Sting, an iconic fictional weapon that Frodo would inherit in The Lord of the Rings.
The Gandalf quote from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is profoundly wise advice, but it also has an interesting connection to the plot, as this is the part of the story in which Bilbo meets and then spares the life of the character Gollum. Taking pity on Gollum as Frodo would also do, Bilbo’s decision not to kill Gollum sets in motion the acts that ultimately destroy both Gollum and the Ring of Power in the fires of Mount Doom many years later in the events of The Return of the King.
“If In Doubt, Meriadoc, Always Follow Your Nose.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
While the best Gandalf quotes are often quite serious, he can also be rather funny. Gandalf has a lighter side and a good sense of humor that comes out fairly often. This is especially true when he is talking to Hobbits. When the Fellowship gets lost in Moria, Gandalf finds their way through using a less-than-scientific method. Despite his great intelligence and relying on that intellect to steer him in the right direction, Gandalf is also willing to admit he is not perfect and that sometimes his choices are based on little more than gut feeling and instinct.
Rather than spend days trying to work out how to navigate Moria — which could have meant running low on resources and starving, being attacked by Goblins, or any number of other fatal problems — Gandalf knew that the situation called for a less accurate but much faster way to get back on track.
This quote, while humorous, also shows that Gandalf is wise enough to know when careful planning and intelligence aren’t the best solution to a problem. Rather than spend days trying to work out how to navigate Moria — which could have meant running low on resources and starving, being attacked by Goblins, or any number of other fatal problems — Gandalf knew that the situation called for a less accurate but much faster way to get back on track.
How Gandalf The Grey Becoming Gandalf The White Actually Changed Lord Of The Rings’ Outcome
Gandalf the Grey’s transformation into Gandalf the White changed the tides in Middle-earth’s favor during The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
“The World Is Not In Your Books And Maps. It’s Out There.”
Gandalf In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
In The Hobbit, especially in the books, Gandalf is less serious than he is in The Lord of the Rings. This is because the overall situation in Middle-earth gets much worse as the story goes on, but when he meets Bilbo he’s in rather good spirits. However, his levity doesn’t mean that he’s any less of a source of wisdom and insight for those around him, especially Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a rare Hobbit who loves both comfort and adventure, and Gandalf encourages him to experience the world.
This wise Gandalf quote is also a good reminder for fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit that life is meant for living, and as comforting as fantasy can be for escapism, it’s no substitute for the outside world. It’s also a quote that, when read in the books, has a certain hint of irony to it. It’s perhaps a message from Tolkien directly to his readers — as much as the author enjoys the idea of someone getting lost in the adventures he’s put on the page, he’d also love for them to go out into the world and have some of their own.
“Death Is Just Another Path. One That We All Must Take.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings series deals with many heavy themes, such as war and death. Tolkien, a veteran of the First World War, clearly had a lot of experience with death, and there are several Gandalf quotes that are clearly a conduit for the author’s own views on the subject. A key one of these moments comes during The Return of The King, when Gandalf consoles a young Hobbit about to have their first experience of war. When Pippin, someone who is quite young and very sheltered, is exposed to the horrors of death and war in Gondor, he’s understandably scared.
Gandalf shares his wisdom about the afterlife, and it’s powerful enough to provide Pippin with some courage during those frightening moments.
Gandalf manages to provide Pippin with some comfort by reminding him that death is an inevitability that shouldn’t be feared, and is the next path everyone in the world goes on once their time is over. Gandalf shares his wisdom about the afterlife, and it’s powerful enough to provide Pippin with some courage during those frightening moments.
“I Will Not Say: Do Not Weep; For Not All Tears Are An Evil.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
One of the themes of the Lord of the Rings series is the importance of friendship. The bonds between the members of the Fellowship of the Ring are strong bonds forged from loyalty as they go through traumatic events together. When Gandalf and Frodo leave Middle-earth to go to the Undying Lands, they must say goodbye to Sam (Sean Astin), Merry, and Pippin. Gandalf reminds them all that crying and feeling sad isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it’s alright to feel these things when it comes to saying goodbye.
This is an incredibly poignant moment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and a nugget of wisdom from Gandalf that viewers and readers can apply to their own lives. While sadness and despair aren’t pleasant emotions to feel, there are many occasions when they occur for wholesome and deserved reasons. Gandalf knows that grieving is a healthy and necessary process, and he wants to ensure that those who will mourn his passing on to the shores beyond Middle-earth don’t deprive themselves of it.
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“I Have Found It Is The Small Things, Everyday Deeds Of Ordinary Folk, That Keeps The Darkness At Bay. Simple Acts Of Kindness And Love.”
Gandalf In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Of all the characters of The Lord of the Rings, it is perhaps Gandalf who understands the deeper importance of the events that transpire in the stories. This isn’t meant in a 4th wall-breaking way, but there are several wise Gandalf quotes that do come incredibly close with how astutely they seem to sum up the deeper meaning and messages of Tolkien’s tales. Gandalf shares this heartwarming observation that speaks to the themes of the entire franchise:
“Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.”
The quote speaks once again to Gandalf’s understanding of the importance of regular people and their importance in the history of Middle-earth. The Hobbits in the series are a representation of how even the most regular people can make a big difference in the world. This Gandalf quote is all about how important it is to do good wherever possible and treat other people with kindness, and it’s definitely a pearl of wisdom that can be applied to life in the real world as well as Middle-earth.
Why Gandalf Was So Interested In Hobbits In The Lord Of The Rings (Did He Know They’d Be Important?)
Gandalf seemed to know that Hobbits would be important in saving Middle-earth, but was this the only reason he befriended them in Lord of the Rings?
“A Wizard Is Never Late, Frodo Baggins. Nor Is He Early. He Arrives Precisely When He Means To.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Explaining the finer points of wizards and timekeeping to Frodo may have been one of the most memorable quotes from Gandalf, and one of the most lighthearted, but it’s also a moment with a healthy amount of hidden wisdom. Gandalf’s first line in the Lord of the Rings movie is another example of his sense of humor as well as his somewhat dramatic nature. When Frodo accuses him of being late, Gandalf refuses to accept this.
The wisdom of this Gandalf quote becomes much more apparent when it’s considered in the wider context of Gandalf’s life and his identity.
Instead, he retorts back with a quip that sums up both the mentality of wizards and their eccentricity. The wisdom of this Gandalf quote becomes much more apparent when it’s considered in the wider context of Gandalf’s life and his identity. The wizard illustrates that, as one of the Istari, he acts according to a will greater than his own. Gandalf is always where he needs to be when he needs to be there, and he knows it.
“All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given To Us. There Are Other Forces At Work In This World, Frodo, Besides The Will Of Evil.”
Gandalf In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Of all the wise Gandalf quotes in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, this particular line from The Fellowship of the Ring movie is perhaps the most astute and insightful. While the story is, on the surface, about the struggle between the forces of good and the evil that is Mordor, Gandalf understands that the plight of Middle-earth isn’t just due to Sauron.
However, it is also a reminder that living in difficult times isn’t something anyone asks for, but it doesn’t rob people of their ability to choose. It’s an inspiring quote that speaks to inner strength and making the best of life. Gandalf’s understanding of the inner workings of existence is deeper than anyone else’s in the Fellowship and this Gandalf quote really reminds Lord of the Rings fans of that.
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The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings is a multimedia franchise consisting of several movies and a TV show released by Amazon titled The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The franchise is based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s book series that began in 1954 with The Fellowship of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings saw mainstream popularity with Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.
The Lord of the Rings (1978)
, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
Created by
J.R.R. Tolkien
First Film
The Lord of the Rings (1978)
Norman Bird
, Anthony Daniels
, Elijah Wood
, Ian McKellen
, Liv Tyler
, Viggo Mortensen
, Sean Astin
, Cate Blanchett
, John Rhys-Davies
, Billy Boyd
, Dominic Monaghan
, Orlando Bloom
, Christopher Lee
, Hugo Weaving
, Sean Bean
, Ian Holm
, Andy Serkis
, Brad Dourif
, Karl Urban
, Martin Freeman
, Richard Armitage
, James Nesbitt
, Ken Stott
, Benedict Cumberbatch
, Evangeline Lilly
, Lee Pace
, Luke Evans
, Morfydd Clark
, Mike Wood
, Ismael Cruz Cordova
, Charlie Vickers
, Markella Kavenagh
, Megan Richards
, Sara Zwangobani
, Daniel Weyman
, Cynthia Addai-Robinson
, Lenny Henry
, Brian Cox
, Shaun Dooley
, Miranda Otto
, Bilal Hasna
, Benjamin Wainwright
, Luke Pasqualino
, Christopher Guard
, William Squire
, Michael Scholes
, John Hurt
TV Show(s)
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Frodo Baggins
, Gandalf
, Legolas
, Boromir
, Sauron
, Gollum
, Samwise Gamgee
, Pippin Took
, Celeborn
, Aragorn
, Galadriel
, Bilbo Baggins
, Saruman
, Aldor
, Wormtongue
, Thorin Oakenshield
, Balin Dwalin
, Bifur
, Bofur
, Bombur
, Fili
, Kili
, Oin
, Gloin
, Nori
, Dori
, Ori
, Tauriel
, King Thranduil
, Smaug
, Radagast
, Arondir
, Nori Brandyfoot
, Poppy Proudfellow
, Marigold Brandyfoot
, Queen Regent Míriel
, Sadoc Burrows
Source: https://truongnguyenbinhkhiem.edu.vn
Category: Entertainment