The Mistborn movie is one of the most exciting fantasy projects on the horizon, but its success depends on getting Brandon Sanderson’s story right. There are many reasons the Mistborn books have such a large and dedicated audience, and the film adaptation will need to recapture these elements of the fantasy story. Fitting the source material into a movie’s runtime will be impossible without cutting certain things, but it’s crucial the adaptation captures the biggest highlights of Sanderson’s series.
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If the Mistborn movie is still happening, it needs to prove itself worth the wait. It can do this by properly adapting the source material, giving Sanderson fans something exciting to look forward to in the near future. Of course, the only way to get readers on board with the adaptation is to make it as close to the books as possible. That means getting key components of the original trilogy right.
You are watching: 10 Things The Mistborn Movie Must Get Right About The Books
10 Mistborn’s Unique Magic System Is Crucial
It’s A Standout Part Of Brandon Sanderson’s Series
Mistborn has one of the most unique magic systems in the fantasy genre, and adapting it for the screen may prove a challenge for the upcoming movie. The original trilogy’s Allomancy and Feruchemy will require explanation and impressive special effects to get right. Hopefully, Mistborn’s adaptation will have the budget and writing to bring the characters’ abilities to life. Allomancy will be especially challenging, as there are so many different types of Allomancers in Sanderson’s series.
Too much exposition will hurt the Mistborn movie, but it can’t get around explaining the various types of Allomancers and their abilities — especially if it wants to draw new audiences. As several Allomantic powers don’t have flashy physical effects, it could be hard to convey what’s happening on the screen. Even those that do lend themselves to the action will need good CGI to work. As Mistborn‘s magic is a massive part of the story, overcoming such challenges will be incredibly important for the movie.
9 The Mistborn Movie Needs The Right Cast
The Actors Could Make Or Break The Adaptation
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Mistborn‘s complex characters are a highlight of the book series, and the upcoming adaptation will need the right actors to bring them to life. Nailing the casting for Vin and Kelsier will be especially important, but even supporting crew members like Dox and Breeze must be tackled by the right talent. The cast could make or break the Mistborn movie, as diehard fans are counting on good performances and proper portrayals of their favorite characters. Anything less won’t go over well among Sanderson’s fans.
film must find stars who match their characters’ descriptions and are capable of bringing their nuances to life on-screen.
The Mistborn film must find stars who match their characters’ descriptions and are capable of bringing their nuances to life on-screen. They should also have chemistry with one another, as the characters’ relationships are a huge and important part of Sanderson’s series. It would also be good if the cast members chosen for the project aren’t too well-known; this could prove distracting and take moviegoers out of the fantasy world.
8 The Movie Can’t Make Vin Too Perfect
Mistborn’s Heroine Should Be Nuanced & Complex
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Casting Vin correctly is only one step to getting her character right in the Mistborn movie. The writers will also need to avoid falling into a trap that’s all too common with protagonists who jump from the page to the screen. They may be tempted to make Vin more palatable for newcomers, but this would be a mistake. Although Vin is an extremely likable character, she does make mistakes, and she has a dark side. The adaptation shouldn’t shy away from these things in order to make her seem more heroic.
Vin’s growth throughout Sanderson’s series is part of what makes her such a compelling lead, and her flaws make her more relatable. The Mistborn movie must capture Vin in all of her complexity, allowing longtime fans and newcomers to appreciate her as she’s written. The adaptation should approach all the characters accurately, but Vin is arguably the most important.
7 The Adaptation Shouldn’t Shy Away From Mistborn’s Central Themes
The Books’ Focus On Power & Rebellion Must Be Honored
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In the same vein as allowing its characters to be flawed and unlikable, the Mistborn movie must also portray Sanderson’s world as it appears in the books. The Final Empire is a dark and dismal place when the series opens, and the plot focuses heavily on the corruption and power struggles unfolding in the kingdom. Mistborn showcases the death and destruction that occur because of the Lord Ruler and his lackeys. And the movie can’t soften such things if it wants to get the books’ themes across well.
The bleak nature of Sanderson’s world won’t be hard to depict on-screen, but it will require an unflinching approach to dark and difficult subjects. A truly accurate Mistborn movie might even require an R rating, which could create a predicament for the studio behind it. Even if it manages to keep things PG-13, the film needs to find a way to tackle such themes. Ignoring them or downplaying them simply won’t do the source material justice.
6 Mistborn’s Adaptation Should Keep The Books’ Opening Scene
Kelsier’s Entrance Is Gripping & Iconic
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Mistborn‘s opening scene is a near-perfect start to the series, and the movie must begin with it as well. The Final Empire‘s opening introduces Kelsier in all his glory, and it does a solid job of establishing Sanderson’s world. By showing the skaa at Lord Tresting’s manor, it drives home how terrible the Final Empire is for the majority of people living there. It also underscores Kelsier’s hatred for the powerful elites there, and it sets the stage for his rebellion throughout the rest of the book.
‘s first scene is also incredibly cinematic, and it’s gripping enough to get newcomers invested in the story.
Mistborn‘s first scene is also incredibly cinematic, and it’s gripping enough to get newcomers invested in the story. This is precisely why the movie adaptation will need to get it right. While Sanderson’s fan base will see the adaptation no matter what, general audiences will need to be sold on the film. Having a great hook during the opening is the best way to accomplish that. It certainly works for the books.
5 The Final Empire’s Villain Twist Should Be As Exciting As It Is In The Books
The Truth About The Lord Ruler Must Be Revealed Correctly
The Final Empire‘s big villain twist is one of the best moments of the entire series, and the movie needs to get its Lord Ruler reveal right. After outlining Alendi and Rashek’s backstory at the beginning of each chapter, the first Mistborn book concludes with the revelation that Rashek is actually the Lord Ruler. This flips reader expectations, and it makes for an exciting twist. It’s a testament to Sanderson’s storytelling skills, and Mistborn‘s movie will need to nail it.
It’s hard to say how the film adaptation will set up this twist, as it will need to adapt the journal entries that appear before each of the book’s chapters. This can be done through flashbacks, though it might be difficult to include too many of them in the upcoming movie. But the creators will need to figure this out, as it’s critical to The Final Empire‘s ending twist. They’ll also need to convey Vin’s revelation, even if it’s mostly happening in her mind.
4 CGI Can Help The Film Get Brandon Sanderson’s Creatures Right
A Proper Budget Will Help With The Koloss & Kandra
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Proper writing and casting is crucial to the Mistborn adaptation’s success, but a decent budget will also help with Sanderson’s creatures. Beings like the Koloss and the Kandra play prominent roles in the author’s fantasy series, and CGI will be necessary to adapt them for the big screen. A hefty budget will ensure that they look how they’re supposed to, and it will contribute to some of the original Mistborn trilogy’s most important scenes.
Fortunately, the success of the first
film could convince a studio to put more money into getting these sequel moments correct.
The fight sequences with the Koloss in The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages are some of the biggest action moments of the entire trilogy, and Kandra factor heavily into The Well of Ascension‘s ending twist. Fortunately, the success of the first Mistborn film could convince a studio to put more money into getting these sequel moments correct.
3 Mistborn’s Action Sequences Should Be Thrilling
Speaking of CGI and special effects, it’s also important that Mistborn’s action sequences are as thrilling in the movie as they are in the books. Sanderson’s novels have no shortage of epic moments, and they’re part of what makes the story so gripping. Whether it’s Vin and Kelsier training with their Allomancy or Vin taking on the enemy, the action is always top-notch.
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Mistborn‘s action will be a selling point for a movie, as it’s certain to keep viewers engaged. While some fantasy sagas take a while to get to the action sequences, Sanderson’s doesn’t have this issue. The movie must adapt the books accordingly, infusing the first film with exciting training sessions and face-offs with the enemy.
2 The Movie Can’t Ignore Or Overdo The Books’ Romances
Mistborn’s Relationship Subplots Are An Underrated Strength
Mistborn‘s romance subplots are underrated but extremely compelling, and they’ll help sell the upcoming film to more mainstream viewers. For this reason, the movie must get the strengths of the books’ romances right. It must capture the chemistry between Vin and Elend, as well as the struggles they go through throughout the series. Additionally, the adaptation needs to get Kelsier’s love for Mare right and nail the blossoming relationship between Tindwyl and Sazed. But while it needs to highlight these relationships, it also can’t overdo these subplots.
‘s romantic relationships right will help get viewers invested in the upcoming movie, but the best thing about the books’ romances is that they’re subtle.
Getting Mistborn‘s romantic relationships right will help get viewers invested in the upcoming movie, but the best thing about the books’ romances is that they’re subtle. They don’t overtake the actual story, and they don’t require too many scenes to convey the characters’ feelings. If the adaptation can accomplish these things, it will ensure that it appeals to longtime Sanderson fans and people new to the series and genre.
1 The Upcoming Movie Needs To Set Up Era 2 & The Cosmere
The Connections Should Be There Early On
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If a Mistborn movie succeeds, it could make the fantasy genre as big as the superhero one. And its success could see the rest of the series getting adapted, as well as Mistborn Era 2 and Sanderson’s Cosmere. The first film shouldn’t get too far ahead of itself, as it’d be disappointing if it set up threads that never got addressed. However, it could include small clues and connections that set the stage for other Sanderson adaptations. This would make them more satisfying if they do actually happen.
It would also show commitment to getting the intricacies of Sanderson’s story right, which would reflect well on the Mistborn movie. It’d be even more promising if the creators included Sanderson in the decision-making process and had in-depth knowledge of the books themselves. That would open the door for plenty of Easter eggs and references, and it would make it all the more likely that the Mistborn adaptation will get the source material right.
The Mistborn series, created by Brandon Sanderson, is a high-fantasy saga set in the world of Scadrial, where magic is powered by metals through a system called Allomancy. The series focuses on political intrigue, heists, and the battle between good and evil. The first trilogy, Mistborn: The Final Empire, follows the struggle to overthrow a tyrannical ruler, the Lord Ruler. Later books in the series, including Era 2, take place hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy, expanding the story into new settings with new characters, all while maintaining connections to the original storyline.Books:Mistborn: The Final Empire (2006)Mistborn: The Well of Ascension (2007)Mistborn: The Hero of Ages (2008)Mistborn: The Alloy of Law (2011)Mistborn: Shadows of Self (2015)Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning (2016)Mistborn: The Lost Metal (2022)
Created by Brandon Sanderson Character(s) Vin , Kelsier , Sazed , Marsh , Elend Venture , Waxillium “Wax” Ladrian , Wayne , Steris Harms
The Mistborn series, created by Brandon Sanderson, is a high-fantasy saga set in the world of Scadrial, where magic is powered by metals through a system called Allomancy. The series focuses on political intrigue, heists, and the battle between good and evil. The first trilogy, Mistborn: The Final Empire, follows the struggle to overthrow a tyrannical ruler, the Lord Ruler. Later books in the series, including Era 2, take place hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy, expanding the story into new settings with new characters, all while maintaining connections to the original storyline.
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