10 Of The Best Ideas Star Wars’ New Jedi Order Movie Can Take From Legends

An upcoming Star Wars spin-off movie will explore Rey’s new generation of Jedi, and the New Jedi Order of the original Star Wars Legends continuity provides several excellent ideas for its portrayal. The Legends continuity was originally the official Star Wars canon before being redesignated an alternate timeline in April 2014. Although it has largely been discontinued, the Legends timeline inspires numerous elements of the modern Star Wars canon, from the sequel trilogy to spinoff films and recent Disney+ TV shows. Rey’s new generation of Jedi could be inspired by the original incarnation of the New Jedi Order.

Unlike his modern canon counterpart, Luke Skywalker took his journey to Jedi Knighthood, lessons, and shortcomings from the original trilogy to heart in the original Legends timeline. Luke’s New Jedi Order redefined Jedi Knighthood, reestablishing the Jedi as a more grounded fellowship who eschewed the outdated and unhealthy practices of the previous Jedi Order, resulting in more effective and far more balanced Jedi Knights. Where the modern canon’s version of Luke inexplicably failed, Rey may succeed in her forthcoming spin-off movie, if her Jedi are inspired by the New Jedi Order in the following ways.

Quick Links

  • It’s Time For Star Wars To Learn That Attachment Can Be Good

  • The Jedi Need To Be Separate From Republic Politics

  • Jedi Can Have Ordinary Lives & Live Among The People

  • The Jedi Temple Should Be On Yavin 4

  • Bring On The Yuuzhan Vong

  • Rey Needs To Drop The Jedi “Age Rule”

  • The Jedi Should Be All About Redemption

  • Why Do Jedi Need Set Robes Anyway?

  • It’s Time For A More Active Approach To Training Jedi

  • Bring On The Jedi Starfighters!


It’s Time For Star Wars To Learn That Attachment Can Be Good

A Healthy Balance

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in Star Wars Legends.

The Jedi Order of the prequel era, in both continuities, was heavily flawed yet entirely well-intentioned. Unfortunately, one of the old Jedi Order’s most infamous and wrongheaded traditions was the eschewing of close relationships – particularly romantic relationships. Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order did not forbid attachments (and even encouraged them), as long as Jedi kept their relationships healthy. Luke’s attachments to his friends in the Rebellion, the good man Anakin once was, and Mara Jade ultimately made him a better Jedi than he would have been otherwise.

Romance and marriage can easily be integrated into the life of a Jedi without the Jedi in question falling to the dark side of the Force.

The New Jedi Order’s views on relationships and attachment from the original Legends timeline should have carried over into Luke’s Jedi generation in the modern canon. Rey’s generation of Jedi presents a second chance to bring this element of the original continuity to the new one. Romance and marriage can easily be integrated into the life of a Jedi without the Jedi in question falling to the dark side of the Force.


The Jedi Need To Be Separate From Republic Politics

A Key Principle

A Legends book cover with Luke Skywalker raising his hand and other Jedi in the background

As the Galactic Republic became increasingly corrupt in the millennium between the Ruusan campaign and the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order, despite not being an official part of the Republic’s barebones military, often served at the whims of Republic politicians. This, naturally, led to significant catastrophes on multiple occasions, especially in the waning decades of the Republic. The Jedi were manipulated by the corrupt Governor of Galidraan to assist the Death Watch and nearly wipe out the True Mandalorians. The Yam’rii, similarly, manipulated the Jedi into helping them win the Huk War, and thus facilitated the oppression of the Kaleesh.

The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances succeeded the New Republic in the Legends continuity and may do so in the modern canon as well.

While the New Jedi Order remained directly affiliated with the New Republic, their ties to the government were far looser. Luke’s Jedi were more concerned with helping beings across the galaxy and battling unambiguously oppressive forces and thus did not become a paramilitary force for Republic politicians. While it is unclear what will succeed the New Republic and Resistance in the modern canon, Rey’s Jedi must have a similar philosophy to the Legends-era New Jedi Order.


Jedi Can Have Ordinary Lives & Live Among The People

Everyday Heroes

The Cover Of I, Jedi showing Jedi Corran Horn

Although Jedi were not completely separated from the ordinary beings of the galaxy in the prequel era, their restrictive lifestyle nevertheless made them out of touch. As revealed in Ambush at Corellia, by Roger MacBride Allen, having this problem reemerge in the New Jedi Order was a concern of both Mon Mothma and Luke Skywalker. Mothma noted:

I believe, and believe strongly, that the Republic needs Jedi that get their hands dirty, that are part of the Republic’s daily life. Jedi that live in ivory towers might be more dangerous than no Jedi at all…There must be Jedi doing what ordinary folk do, Jedi who are ordinary folk. There must be Jedi doctors and judges and soldiers and pilots – and politicians.

Luke Skywalker took this advice to heart in the New Jedi Order, training Jedi who lived ordinary lives while training and fulfilling their duties as Jedi Knights. As a result, the Knights of the New Jedi Order were more in touch with – and thus more effective at defending – beings of all walks of life. This would be a fascinating and crucial element of the Legends continuity to bring into Rey’s generation of Jedi in the modern canon.


The Jedi Temple Should Be On Yavin 4

New Jedi Temple Home

The Massassi Temples on Yavin 4

Although the Legends-era New Jedi Order had multiple headquarters on a variety of worlds throughout its history, its most famous one is Luke’s Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Within the refurbished Massassi Temple that once served as the Rebel Alliance’s hidden fortress, Luke trained and housed his Jedi Knights. The famous locale represents the New Jedi Order’s ties to the then-bygone Rebel Alliance, despite its ancient historical ties to the Sith.

In the modern canon, Luke’s ill-fated Jedi Temple was on Ossus, which was the location of the Legends-era New Jedi Order’s second Jedi Temple. Rey’s Star Wars movie could continue to honor the original continuity by having her Jedi Temple on Yavin IV. The old Rebel Base is an iconic locale for viewers of the films and readers of the old Expanded Universe alike, making it a fitting spot for the next Jedi Temple.


Bring On The Yuuzhan Vong

Test Jedi Strength

The Yuuzhan Vong army

In the original Legends continuity, the Sith Order of Darth Bane died with Palpatine, yet new iterations of the Sith – such as Lumiya’s Sith Order and the One Sith – would be initiated, just as Luke founded a new iteration of the Jedi. Of course, there were other threats to the galaxy aside from new generations of Sith, like the Yuuzhan Vong and the cosmic monstrosity Abeloth. In the modern canon, the Sith appear to have been fully destroyed at the conclusion of the Battle of Exegol, so perhaps Rey’s Jedi could face a different threat.

Pitting Rey and her generation of Jedi against an entity like the Yuuzhan Vong could be a change of pace from the usual Jedi vs Sith dynamic.

Of course, this could include neo-First Order factions, new Knights of Ren, Sith cults, the spirits of ancient Sith, or an entity like Abeloth, but the Yuuzhan Vong would be a welcome new threat for the modern canon. The Yuuzhan Vong are an extragalactic species with unique organic technology and resistance to the Force itself. Pitting Rey and her generation of Jedi against an entity like the Yuuzhan Vong could be a change of pace from the usual Jedi vs Sith dynamic.


Rey Needs To Drop The Jedi “Age Rule”

True Jedi Potential

Kyle Katarn with Qu Rahn's lightsaber in Star Wars Legends.

Part of the old Jedi Order’s flawed views on attachment and separation from the common people of the galaxy was their practice of recruiting prospective Jedi as infants. Although potential Jedi younglings could only join the Order if their parents allowed it voluntarily, the practice was devastating for the parents in many cases and their children would never grow up with an ordinary life and family. This was abandoned by Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order in the Legends continuity, with any prospective Jedi being able to join at any age.

Luke Skywalker’s approach added the element of choice and autonomy to his Jedi Knights. Prospective Jedi had to choose to walk the path to Knighthood and commit to it, and they presumably lived ordinary lives before making that choice. This is not unlike Luke’s own Jedi path (despite Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda’s plans for him to eventually train) and it would also loosely resemble Rey’s journey to Jedi Knighthood if she includes this practice in her generation.


The Jedi Should Be All About Redemption

Core Jedi Value

Star Wars' Mara Jade wielding a blue lightsaber.

Yoda and Obi-Wan both taught Luke that those who give in to the dark side will forever be consumed by the corrupted power. In one of his most pivotal choices in the Star Wars original trilogy, Luke defied their teachings, remaining faithful to the good within Darth Vader, which eventually motivated him to abandon the Sith and become Anakin Skywalker again in his final moments. This same attitude also contributed to Mara Jade’s eventual complete severing of her ties to Emperor Palpatine and initiation of her Jedi path.

The dark side is a fundamentally evil, corrupting, perversion of the Force, yet not all who use it are beyond saving.

Luke Skywalker would not simply kill someone because of a potential fall to the dark side and his New Jedi Order reflected this, only killing a dark side user if they were unable to be redeemed first. Rey fought alongside a redeemed Ben Solo in the Battle of Exegol and her knowledge of Vader’s redemption should inspire a similar philosophy in her Jedi Order. The dark side is a fundamentally evil, corrupting, perversion of the Force, yet not all who use it are beyond saving.


Why Do Jedi Need Set Robes Anyway?

Ditch the Uniform

Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Lightsaber Combat Duels

While only a minor reform at most, the Legends-era New Jedi Order had a different approach to traditional Jedi attire than the previous Jedi Order. Luke’s Jedi would still wear robes, but they appeared to only have been mandatory in Jedi ceremonies. Ordinarily, Luke wore his Return of the Jedi outfit. Kyle Katarn – the New Jedi Order’s eventual battlemaster – wore the outfit seen in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast most of the time as well.

Rey and Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.


6 Lessons Rey’s New Jedi Order Can Learn From Luke’s In Legends

Luke Skywalker made numerous changes to the Jedi Order in Star Wars Legends, perhaps influencing Rey’s iteration in the canon continuity.


Obviously, there is nothing wrong with traditional Jedi robes, so the New Jedi Order’s attitude towards them amounts to simply allowing its Knights a greater degree of choice and personal expression. The New Jedi Order’s Knights appear more diverse in personality and background, and this could be an interesting new way for viewers to perceive the Jedi in Rey’s forthcoming solo film. While the new Jedi may wear robes for ceremonies and armor for warfare, their typical attire could express their lives outside their Jedi duties.


It’s Time For A More Active Approach To Training Jedi

Real-World Skills

Kyle Katarn slays a stormtrooper with his blue lightsaber in Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast.

Jedi training in the Legends-era New Jedi Order placed a particular emphasis on learning through experience. While the Jedi Temple on Yavin IV did teach students the ways of the Jedi in formal classes, much of a Jedi’s education and connection to the Force was honed by traveling the galaxy and going on missions – with the supervision of a Jedi Master most of the time. Moreover, a Jedi’s connection to the Force was unique and personalized, mirroring Luke’s own path to Jedi Knighthood in the original trilogy.

This, of course, would be a natural fit for Rey’s new generation of Jedi – partially because this approach has been used before in the modern canon. The High Republic era Jedi Order was, in many ways, similar to the New Jedi Order of the Legends continuity. Among these similarities was a far less uniform definition of Jedi training, with many Jedi having unique perceptions of and connections to the Force.


Bring On The Jedi Starfighters!

Combat & Exploration

StealthX fighters in Star Wars Legends.

The prequel trilogy introduced the concept of dedicated Jedi Starfighters to the Star Wars saga, having Jedi pilot Delta-7 Aethersprite and Eta-2 Actis Jedi Starfighters during the Separatist Crisis and Clone Wars. Unsurprisingly, the Jedi Starfighters of the Legends-era New Jedi Order were initially T-65 X-wings, a fitting choice for a wartime Jedi Order that branched off from the New Republic. The New Jedi Order would later become famous for their use of StealthX fighters – stealth-oriented X-wings designed specifically for Jedi pilots.

Rey’s generation of Jedi are in the perfect position to have their own Jedi Starfighters as well. T-70 or T-85 X-wings would be natural choices, of course, but the modern canon could also create a new model of X-wing for Rey’s Jedi. A reimagined version of the StealthX would be a welcome addition to the modern Star Wars canon.

Upcoming Star Wars Movies

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The Mandalorian and Grogu

May 22, 2026

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Star Wars

Star Wars is a multimedia franchise that started in 1977 by creator George Lucas. After the release of Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope (originally just titled Star Wars), the franchise quickly exploded, spawning multiple sequels, prequels, TV shows, video games, comics, and much more. After Disney acquired the rights to the franchise, they quickly expanded the universe on Disney+, starting with The Mandalorian.

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