10 MCU Heroes Who Got People Killed

Warning! Spoilers for Daredevil: Born Again Episodes 1-3

The heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe aren’t always perfect at their jobs, and can get innocent bystanders killed just as often as they save them. The protagonists of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are capable of breaking all sorts of long-standing superhero rules, with many of them outside of a select few, like Spider-Man or Daredevil, having no problems with taking human lives when deemed necessary. Even when they don’t intend to, the Avengers have a nasty habit of causing collateral damage in the form of human lives.

These kinds of actions can be more direct or indirect. Failing to stop a villain can lead to catastrophic casualties, which can easily be pinned on a hero, but other disasters are more directly caused by the meddling of various Marvel characters. The movies of the MCU are full of moments in which hundreds or even thousands of people die due to the failures and poor decisions of the heroes, even if the films don’t linger on these events for long.


Daredevil Gets A Fellow Vigilante Killed

Daredevil: Born Again

White Tiger putting on His Mask In Daredevil Born Again

Custom Image by Milica Djordjevic

The sole MCU hero with the single staunchest stance against taking human life under any circumstance is easily Matt Murdock, a.k.a. Daredevil. Even when faced with overwhelming odds, Daredevil is insistent on taking down his foes using non-lethal means, though he comes close to breaking this rule in the opening moments of Daredevil: Born Again. As hard as he tries to avoid using lethal force, he is still fallible enough to get others killed through his own mistakes, as shown in the ending of Daredevil: Born Again episode 3.

Tasked with defending a fellow vigilante in court, the White Tiger, Matt Murdock makes the shocking choice to reveal his secret identity as Hector Ayala to the public, using his good deeds as a defense of his character. This plan backfires miserably when it ultimately works in court, swaying the jury to find Ayala not guilty, only for disgruntled cops to shoot him dead on his next night out as White Tiger. Keeping his identity as White Tiger a secret might’ve gotten Ayala sent to prison, but at least he might still be alive.


Agatha Harkness Gets Sharon And Alice Killed

Agatha All Along

Sharon Davis drinking the rest of the wine in Agatha All Along episode 3

Agatha All Along saw the return of a few characters last seen in Westview in WandaVision, most notably the kind neighbor Sharon Davis. Davis is dragged into Agatha’s journey along the Witches’ Road despite having no real magical powers of her own, with her green thumb in gardening being enough of a sign for her ability to fill in as the needed Green Witch. Sadly, this inexperience ends up getting her killed, and her recruitment by Agatha in the first place was essentially a death sentence.

Admittedly, calling Agatha a hero may be a bit of a stretch, but her sacrifice in the end in order to save Billy Maximoff surely earns her such a title. Yet as a living witch, plenty of blood is certainly on Agatha’s hands, not even counting the lives she intentionally took in the past. In addition to dragging Sharon to a dangerous ritual she had no business being in, Agatha also accidentally killes Alice Wu-Gulliver with her powers after being possessed by her own mother.


Rocket Raccoon Gets His Friends Killed

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Rocket, Teefs, Lylla and Floor playing in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 flashback

One of the few times the MCU indulges in a flashback is during Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which chronicles Rocket’s heartbreaking origin story. From the moment Floor, Teefs, and Lylla first appear, their death is almost a surefire thing, but that doesn’t make it any less emotionally devastating when they are eventually gunned down by their creator. The High Evolutionary may have pulled the trigger, but it was Rocket’s meddling that brought about his wrath.

By being able to have an original thought and being smart enough to solve a problem The High Evolutionary himself couldn’t figure out, Rocket put a massive target on the back of himself and his friends. The escape attempt was the final nail in the coffin, ensuring that Rocket’s friends chose between death and a pitiful life condemned in a dirty cage. Even if the film makes it clear that Lylla is in a better place now, there’s no denying that Rocket must feel tremendous guilt for his actions leading to his friends’ deaths.


Doctor Strange Gets Iron Man Killed

Avengers: Endgame

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange holding up one finger in Avengers Endgame

Few heroes in the MCU are as comfortable with making hard-nosed decisions as Doctor Strange. As a surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange was already well accustomed to making executive decisions concerning life and death, with this sort of moral calculus following him into his superhero career. By far his most important decision was his glimpses into 14,000,605 possible futures, in which it was determined there was only one way the Avengers could ever hope to defeat Thanos.

Somehow, Doctor Strange is able to make this future manifest, accepting the temporary victory of the Mad Titan and his own periodic death in order to ensure the damage could ultimately be undone. In doing so, however, he knowingly dooms Iron Man, aware that he’ll be the one to use the Infinity Stones to decimate Thanos and his army at the expense of his own life. Doctor Strange might not regret such a decision, but it’s fairly unambiguous that he was the one to get Tony Stark killed.


Karen Page Gets Her Brother Killed


Deborah Ann Woll's Karen Page looking worried in Daredevil

Now that the Netflix Defenders are confirmed to be in the MCU, a whole new world of heroic mistakes resulting in death has been opened up. Karen Page might not be a superhero, but she’s certainly a hero in the scope of the story of Daredevil, though she spends most of the series being a damsel-in-distress. Still, Karen Page is a valuable ally and associate of the Nelson & Murdock law firm as their office manager, and frequently provides keen insights for both lawyers to use in their practice.

That being said, Karen Page’s past tells a very different story. Struggling with cocaine addiction spurred on by her slimy boyfriend, Karen Page’s activities were a cause of strife for her family, eventually causing a deadly fight between her boyfriend, Todd Neiman, and her brother Kevin. A combination of high emotions and drug use ends up causing a car crash that ultimately takes the life of Kevin after he was already beaten half to death by Todd, more or less putting his demise on Karen’s shoulders.


Thor Didn’t Aim For The Head

Avengers: Infinity War

Thor watching Thanos snap his fingers in Avengers Infinity War

It’s hard to pin the actions of a villain on any hero who tries to stop them, but Thor’s critical mistake in the final battle of Avengers: Infinity War caused the single biggest loss of life in the whole series. Charging Thanos with Stormbreaker, Thor manages to plunge the blade deep into Thanos’ chest, only for the Mad Titan to sneer “You should’ve gone for the head” and snap his fingers, killing half of all life in the universe. This misplaced attack from Thor essentially allowed the deaths of trillions, weighing heavily on his conscience over the years.

Even outside of his failures to stop Thanos’ actions, Thor has plenty of more direct innocent blood on his hands. By refusing to take the throne of Asgard, Thor left the nation wide open for Loki to usurp, leaving the population weak and unprepared for the coming of Hela. If Thor had taken his place at the throne, perhaps Asgard would have been more ready and prepared for the coming Ragnarok.


Iron Man Has A Staggering Kill Count

Avengers: Age of Ultron

tony stark missile test in iron man

Interestingly enough, outside of only Thanos, Iron Man might be the one MCU character with the single largest number of deaths that could be attributed directly to his actions. Prior to the start of Iron Man, it’s made clear that Starktech weaponry was callously sold to all kinds of high bidders, even ending up in the hands of the Ten Rings terrorist cell. It’s safe to say that as an arms manufacturer, plenty of deaths could already be attributed to Tony Stark long before he became Iron Man.

Even after he did become an altruistic hero, Stark’s inventions consistently blew up in his face, causing untold harm to thousands of people. Ultron is the most obvious example, a sentient defense program that quickly grew out of control and essentially wiped an entire country off the map. That’s not even to mention other experiments that ended up causing more harm than good, such as E.D.I.T.H. or the Damage Control organization.


Spider-Man’s Carelessness Gets Aunt May Killed

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Peter holding Aunt May before she dies in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home is the film that truly cements Peter Parker’s refusal to kill, even against bad guys who more or less deserve it like the Green Goblin. However, it was Peter’s selfishness that ended up causing the chain of events that gets his beloved Aunt May killed. By coming to Doctor Strange looking for a magical solution to the publicity of his secret identity and messing up Strange’s concentration on the spell at the last second, Spider-Man opens the door for villains across the multiverse.

The most vicious of these bad guys is the Green Goblin, who manages to emerge from Norman Osborn at the worst possible time, causing the brutal apartment fight that leads to Aunt May’s death. If Peter had faced the penalties of his open identity or even simply allowed Doctor Strange to perform his spell and simply revealed his identity privately to his loved ones again himself, none of it would have happened. But because of his magic meddling, Aunt May remains dead and Peter ends up totally isolated.


Black Widow Smothers An Entire Russian Prison

Black Widow

Red Room Avalanche Black Widow

Few heroes have had as shady a past as Black Widow. The murkiness of Black Widow’s moral compass is a core part of her character, making multiple references to wiping out the “red in her ledger” with good deeds as an Avenger. In the Black Widow prequel movie, Natasha Romanoff begins her journey in striking back against General Dreykov and the insidious Black Widow program, but not at the expense of a few hundred innocent lives along the way.

During an explosive confrontation at the Russian prison in which Red Guardian is being held, Black Widow and her allies end up triggering a massive avalanche that descends upon the penal site. While Black Widow and her fake family are able to get out unscathed, the same can’t be said for the hundreds of prisoners and prison staff who likely ended up smothered beneath the snow. It’s unlikely that every single convict within was totally guilty of their crimes, knowing the government depicted in the film, meaning Black Widow caused yet another mass casualty event.


Captain America Takes Down The Helicarriers Above A Populated Civilian Area

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Two helicarriers collide mid air in Captain America The Winter Soldier

The worst cases of collateral damage done by heroes in the MCU always seem to be glossed over without much thought. One of the most egregious examples of this is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, in which Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon all rush to stop HYDRA’s use of the Helicarriers’ weapon systems to keep the U.S. population under their control. However, their plan ends up causing almost as much casualties as HYDRA’s initial orders would have.

Captain America gives the order to blow up the Helicarriers while they still hovered dangerously over heavy population centers, surely causing hundreds of deaths as the debris rained down from the sky. Captain America and company could have done better, hijacking the cockpits instead and turning the massive airships over the ocean before destroying them, but instead opted not to risk the carriers surviving at the expense of human lives. Of all the heroes in the MCU, no one has a worse track record with flying vehicles than Captain America.

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