10 Best Opening Scenes In Action Movies

How a movie kicks things off is always important, and many of the best action movies get their audiences excited from the first minute. A good opening scene should establish the main characters and the world they exist in, as well as tee up the main ideas of the story. In action movies, it’s always an added bonus if an opening scene can be used to deliver some thrills early on, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Action movies that start strong have the potential of keeping their pace up throughout the entire duration. An opening scene can set the tone in many ways, but it’s mainly important as the first statement of intent from the filmmakers. On one hand, audiences can easily lose interest if a movie doesn’t grab their attention from the beginning. The flip side of this is that audiences will immediately give an action movie a chance if it excites them before the credits.


Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Maverick Pushes Himself And His Plane To The Limit

Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun: Maverick is an uncommon kind of legacy sequel that not only justifies its existence, but even improves on the original. It gets the balance between nostalgia and innovation just right, and this starts with the very first scene. Seeing Maverick back in the cockpit after so many years is a joy, but Top Gun: Maverick‘s opening scene also establishes his character, highlighting how he’s still committed to pushing his limits.

Seeing Maverick back in the cockpit after so many years is a joy.

Top Gun: Maverick‘s opening scene sets up the movie’s main throughline, as Maverick earns his call sign once more. He gradually learns more responsibility as he takes on a position of authority, but he never plays by the rules set out by his superiors. The opening scene also offers a taste of the exhilarating flying scenes that director Joseph Kosinski has in store, marking a huge step up from the original Top Gun.


Blade (1998)

The Blood Sprinkler Scene Is The Perfect Introduction To A Dark, Dangerous World


While the MCU Blade reboot is still stuck in development hell, it’s worth looking back on the original with Wesley Snipes. It has its faults, but it also has some moments of unimpeachable brilliance, starting with the very first scene. As an unsuspecting airhead is lured into a thumping nightclub inside an industrial meat locker, his excitement soon gives way to fear. The image of the blood sprinklers raining down on the vampires is probably the single most iconic moment of Blade.

Dev Patel with blood on his face in Monkey Man


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The nightclub scene is the first introduction to the disturbing world of Blade, rich in the eroticism and hedonism of much older vampire stories. It’s also a great introduction to the main character, who is welcomed with a dramatic pan up toward his face. He’s the sole figure dressed in black, while the vampires around him have their white clothes drenched with crimson blood. He stands out in more ways than one, meaning that the audience is immediately drawn to him.


Akira (1988)

Akira’s Opening Is As Exciting As Any Live-Action Movie

Akira sliding on his motocycle in Akira (1988)

Animated action movies are often difficult to pull off, since the medium doesn’t necessarily lend itself to the visceral impact that action movies thrive on. Akira is one of a few noteworthy exceptions, with enough flair and creativity to break the shackles of its medium and create something truly exciting. This starts in the first scene, as the Capsules battle with a rival biker gang on the highways of Neo-Tokyo.

Akira wastes no time delivering on its promise of high-octane action.

The first scene of Akira spends enough time soaking in the maximalist sprawl of Neo-Tokyo, with buildings that appear to be piled up on top of one another and holographic advertisements beaming down over the streets. While these enchanting visuals and the gamelan-inspired soundtrack set the scene, Akira wastes no time delivering on its promise of high-octane action. The famous “Akira slide” is just the cherry on top of a punchy action sequence.


Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)

Tom Cruise’s Mission To Outdo Himself Reaches New Heights

Ethan Hun (Tom Cruise) hanging on the side of a plane in Mission Impossible Rogue Nation

The opening scenes have become an important part of the Mission: Impossible franchise’s appeal over the years. While the prison break in Ghost Protocol and the interrogation in Mission: Impossible III are both worth mentioning, Rogue Nation‘s opening scene wins the prize as the franchise’s splashiest intro. As an IMF plan hits a few snags, Ethan takes matters into his hands, and he’s soon dangling from the side of a plane.

The opening scenes have become an important part of the Mission: Impossible franchise’s appeal over the years.

The Mission: Impossible franchise has seen Tom Cruise trying to one-up his death-defying stunts with each entry. Rogue Nation states its intentions from the first scene with one of the franchise’s biggest stunts yet. Of course, Cruise performed the stunt himself, and it was shot practically. With Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning coming soon, it’s a safe bet that Cruise will try to push the envelope once more.


Hard Boiled (1992)

John Woo’s Thrilling Brand Of Action Takes Hold Immediately

Chow Yun Fat Hard Boiled action movie

Hard Boiled is arguably the highpoint of John Woo and Chow Yun-fat’s long-running collaboration, starting with an explosive first scene that sets the precedent for what is to come. After a brief musical interlude which lets the credits roll and serves as the calm before the storm, Hard Boiled erupts into violent gunplay, as a duo of Hong Kong detectives ambush a group of gun smugglers in a teahouse.



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Action movies don’t have as many twists as other genres like horror and sci-fi, but a good twist in an action movie can make everything more exciting.



The tranquil setting of the teahouse and the innocence of the caged birds are the perfect counterpoints to the wanton destruction of the shootout, as bodies fall and the entire building is thrown into chaos. Amid this chaos of seemingly infinite ammo and stylish slow-motion, Woo manages to pull together a compelling story about two partners with conflicting approaches and temperaments who nevertheless have each other’s backs.


The Matrix (1999)

Trinity’s First Scene Is A Great Introduction To The World Of The Matrix

Trinity fighting a cop with a leg kick in The Matrix.

It takes a little while for Neo to realize that he’s in the Matrix, so the Wachowski sisters offer audiences a brief glimpse of the jaw-dropping action that’s to come in the opening few minutes of The Matrix. This first taste is enough to ensure that the story doesn’t drag for too long, but it’s also a thrilling set-up that plants a seed of mystery that lingers over Neo’s subsequent scenes, which seem mundane by comparison.

The Wachowskis set the tone for their stylized action sequences.

After setting up the motif of the green lines of code, The Matrix opens with a thrilling fight and chase that puts Trinity center stage. From her first bullet-time crane kick, the Wachowskis set the tone for their stylized action sequences, proving that The Matrix isn’t a typical action movie. The first scene also acts as a great introduction to Agent Smith, who is brimming with menace every second that he spends on screen.


Baby Driver (2017)

Edgar Wright Focuses On The Music


Edgar Wright’s stylish heist movie establishes its upbeat tone from the outset, as the director orchestrates a joyous heist scene that introduces Baby with flair. While the violent action unfolds from inside the bank, Baby waits in the getaway car outside, singing along to one of his favorite songs. He initially seems like a lovable goofball, but when the time comes for him to do his job, he proves that he’s incredibly resourceful, talented and cunning.

The idea behind this opening scene first started to take form in a music video Edgar Wright directed.

The idea behind this opening scene first started to take form in a music video Edgar Wright directed for Mint Royale in 2003, but it’s much better when it’s given more room to breathe and a bigger scope. As a way of highlighting the importance of Baby Driver‘s soundtrack early on, the chase scene moves to the rhythm of the music. There are moments of Wright’s action choreography which make it look like the cars are involved in some strange ballet.


The Dark Knight (2008)

The Joker’s Bank Heist Introduces An Iconic Villain


Christopher Nolan’s movies usually start with memorable images, like the opera scene in Tenet or the reverse polaroid shot in Memento. The Dark Knight is no different, introducing Batman’s most famous foe in style. The Joker’s bank heist sequence is a miniature masterpiece, setting up an intriguing mystery about the nature of the man behind the mask and delivering some shocking action at the same time.



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Action movies have the power to connect with audiences on a visceral level, so they can create memorable moments which give people chills.



From the first shot, which shows a twisted clown mask hanging by the Joker’s side, the opening sequence of The Dark Knight is difficult to predict. This early clue is the only indication of the man behind the complex bank job, the only robber set to survive the ordeal. Once Nolan reveals all his narrative tricks, it sets up the idea that Batman is dealing with an enemy far smarter and more ruthless than any he has faced before. Any time the Joker appears in a Batman movie or TV show, there’s added scrutiny, but The Dark Knight has the perfect introduction to the character.


Skyfall (2012)

Bond Usually Starts With A Bang


Explosive cold opens have become a staple of the James Bond franchise, giving audiences a hit of adrenaline before the theme tunes even begin. This list could have been made up entirely of James Bond movies, in fact, from the eye-popping base jump of GoldenEye to the brutal struggle of Casino Royale. Skyfall offers just one of many exhilarating opening scenes in the Bond franchise.

Skyfall offers just one of many exhilarating opening scenes in the Bond franchise.

The Bond franchise has the luxury of not having to introduce its main character in every movie, and Skyfall wastes little time with pleasantries. It quickly barrels into a car chase that evolves into a motorcycle chase and a thrilling fight scene on top of a train. It’s one of the franchise’s best action sequences, getting Skyfall started in the best way possible. Whoever plays 007 in Bond 26, the opening scene will likely say a lot about the franchise’s new era.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)

Steven Spielberg’s Flawless Introduction Of Indy Sets Up A Whole Franchise


Raiders of the Lost Ark‘s opening introduces Indiana Jones in the best way possible, showing him in action while subtly revealing his true nature. The scene shows his bravery, his moral righteousness and his quick thinking, and Harrison Ford brings plenty of charisma too. The scene also sets up Indy’s first villain, as Belloq uses underhanded tactics to get the better of him, foreshadowing his actions later.

Many of the most recognizable images from Raiders of the Lost Ark come from this first sequence.

Many of the most recognizable images from Raiders of the Lost Ark come from this first sequence. Of course, the rolling boulder is loaded with Steven Spielberg’s inimitable movie magic, but the golden idol and the shot of Indy grabbing his hat are both famous too. The Indiana Jones franchise could hardly have set things up any sweeter. Decades later, this still ranks as one of the most exciting and layered character introductions in any movie.

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